Seat of Wisdom, Pray for Us
Welcome to Much Woolton PTA Everyone of us is a member of the parents-teachers association We help to raise money for the school so that all of our children benefit from a full & enriched education Keep in touch
Your Committee Co-Chair: Janet Greenland & Carmel O’Boyle Vice Chair: Jenny Treasurer: Kenny Jones Secretary: Emma Harrison
Sports kits £500 was spent on new athletics kits
Fundraising We pledged £8000 a year for 3 years to help with the new computer suite £1095 was spent throughout the school on English projects. £1000 was used to buy cameras £100 was given to each class to spend on what they needed
What we do We raise money for our school community through fun events throughout the year We spend money to enrich our children’s school experience, on educational equipment & also fund things like the school prom We have fun.
How can you help? We are always in need of volunteers, people with new & fresh ideas & new skills Are you great at organising stuff? Do you have skills you can use to help our children? Do you have a good idea we can utilize?
We raised £2862 at the summer fayre By stuffing Mr. White & Miss Gradwell full of cake!
Keep in touch If you would like to be more involved with the PTA & school community then please, get in touch! We are always looking for volunteers & would love to hear from you Check out the school website for more info coming soon