The Role of Active Labour Market Policy Measures for Youth Employment Youth Guarantee in Slovakia TAIEX Seminar on Building Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship 24 May 2016 Bratislava Dominika Garajová Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
Situation in the labour market before taking measures The unemployment rate of persons in the 15 – 24 age groups in 2011 (33.4%) was 19.8% higher than the overall unemployment rate; in 2013 (33.6%) was 19.4% higher More than half of unemployed people between the ages of 15 and 24 have been unemployed for more than a year In 2013, the inactivity rate of young people not in education, employment or training under the age of 25 (NEET) in Slovakia was 13.7%, which was not much higher than the average of the EU 27 – 12.9%. The inactivity rate of young people under 29 was 19% (EU 27 average %) In terms of education, the highest rate of the youth unemployment was found among young people with completed secondary vocational education, vocational education without leaving exams and with elementary education. From 2011 to 2013, they comprised 78% to 81% of the unemployed in the 15 – 24 age groups Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and Eurostat The unemployment rate of persons in the 15 – 24 age groups in 2011 (33.4%) was 19.8% higher than the overall unemployment rate; in 2013 (33.6%) was 19.4% higher More than half of unemployed people between the ages of 15 and 24 have been unemployed for more than a year In 2013, the inactivity rate of young people not in education, employment or training under the age of 25 (NEET) in Slovakia was 13.7%, which was not much higher than the average of the EU 27 – 12.9%. The inactivity rate of young people under 29 was 19% (EU 27 average %) In terms of education, the highest rate of the youth unemployment was found among young people with completed secondary vocational education, vocational education without leaving exams and with elementary education. From 2011 to 2013, they comprised 78% to 81% of the unemployed in the 15 – 24 age groups Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and Eurostat
Youth Guarantee Youth Guarantee ensures that all young people under 25 get a good-quality, concrete offer within 4 months after leaving formal education or becoming unemployed The good-quality offer should be for a job, apprenticeship, traineeship, or continued education and be adapted to each individual need and situation Youth Guarantee ensures that all young people under 25 get a good-quality, concrete offer within 4 months after leaving formal education or becoming unemployed The good-quality offer should be for a job, apprenticeship, traineeship, or continued education and be adapted to each individual need and situation
Implementation of the Youth Guarantee in Slovakia YG is defined by “National plan for the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the Slovak Republic” which the government of the SR deliberated and took into account at its meeting in February 2014 The implementation of the YG has also been approved by the Solidarity and Development Council of the Slovak Republic, which adopted a joint statement in its support in January 2014 YG is defined by “National plan for the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the Slovak Republic” which the government of the SR deliberated and took into account at its meeting in February 2014 The implementation of the YG has also been approved by the Solidarity and Development Council of the Slovak Republic, which adopted a joint statement in its support in January 2014
Implementation of the Youth Guarantee in Slovakia “National Reform Programme of the Slovak Republic” (April 2014) - Slovakia raised the age limit for young people from 25 to 29 years, with the condition that in the age group the YG would give priority to the long- term unemployed (persons unemployed for over 12 months) and persons who had been registered job seekers for over 6 months The main entry point is the registration of young people in the register of job seekers in Public Employment Services The YG includes a timetable of legislative reforms and initiatives in two main areas: 1.early intervention and activation 2.measures supporting integration in the labour market “National Reform Programme of the Slovak Republic” (April 2014) - Slovakia raised the age limit for young people from 25 to 29 years, with the condition that in the age group the YG would give priority to the long- term unemployed (persons unemployed for over 12 months) and persons who had been registered job seekers for over 6 months The main entry point is the registration of young people in the register of job seekers in Public Employment Services The YG includes a timetable of legislative reforms and initiatives in two main areas: 1.early intervention and activation 2.measures supporting integration in the labour market
Operational Programme Human Resources In Slovakia, the adopted measures are implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme Human Resources for the programming period of 2014 – 2020 The Managing Authority for the OP HR is the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic Priority axis 2: Youth Employment Initiative Investment priority of this axis is sustainable integration into labour market of young people, in particular those not in employment, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalized communities, including through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee In Slovakia, the adopted measures are implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme Human Resources for the programming period of 2014 – 2020 The Managing Authority for the OP HR is the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic Priority axis 2: Youth Employment Initiative Investment priority of this axis is sustainable integration into labour market of young people, in particular those not in employment, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalized communities, including through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee
In general, the state of unemployment among young people is affected by the mismatch of skills and labour market needs Slovakia has implemented the measures oriented on the smooth transition of young people from education to the labour market In general, the state of unemployment among young people is affected by the mismatch of skills and labour market needs Slovakia has implemented the measures oriented on the smooth transition of young people from education to the labour market
Early intervention and activation Dual education system - pursuant to the Act on vocational education and training with effect from April 2015 The dual education system combines an apprenticeship in a company and vocational education at a vocational school in one course Students are directly prepared at the employer's workplace and gain the practical experience 89 companies and 32 vocational secondary schools are involved in the dual education system in school year 2015/2016 Dual education system - pursuant to the Act on vocational education and training with effect from April 2015 The dual education system combines an apprenticeship in a company and vocational education at a vocational school in one course Students are directly prepared at the employer's workplace and gain the practical experience 89 companies and 32 vocational secondary schools are involved in the dual education system in school year 2015/2016
The contribution to support job creation in the first regular paid job One of the most significant structural reforms An amendment to the Act on Employment Services, which entered into effect from 01/01/2015 The contribution is provided to employer who on created job recruits jobseeker who is younger than 25 and registered in PES at least three months, or younger than 29 and registered in PES at least six months, and who have never had regular paid job (lasting at least 6 consecutive months) The allowance is provided for at least 6 and at most 12 calendar months and the amount varies according to the rate of registered unemployment One of the most significant structural reforms An amendment to the Act on Employment Services, which entered into effect from 01/01/2015 The contribution is provided to employer who on created job recruits jobseeker who is younger than 25 and registered in PES at least three months, or younger than 29 and registered in PES at least six months, and who have never had regular paid job (lasting at least 6 consecutive months) The allowance is provided for at least 6 and at most 12 calendar months and the amount varies according to the rate of registered unemployment
Measures supporting integration in the labour market Offers for job seekers: Recruitment services Information and counselling services Specialised counselling services Individual action plan for disadvantaged job seekers Education and training for the labour market provided to a job seeker Contribution for self-employment Contribution for the performance of graduate practice Offers for job seekers: Recruitment services Information and counselling services Specialised counselling services Individual action plan for disadvantaged job seekers Education and training for the labour market provided to a job seeker Contribution for self-employment Contribution for the performance of graduate practice
Measures supporting integration in the labour market Contributions provided to employers: Contribution to support the employment of a disadvantaged jobseeker Contribution to support job creation in the first regular paid job Contribution supporting the development of local and regional employment National projects for youth: o „Graduate practice starts employment“ o „Successfully in the labour market“ o „Through work experience to employment“ Contributions provided to employers: Contribution to support the employment of a disadvantaged jobseeker Contribution to support job creation in the first regular paid job Contribution supporting the development of local and regional employment National projects for youth: o „Graduate practice starts employment“ o „Successfully in the labour market“ o „Through work experience to employment“
Current situation in the labour market In 2015, the unemployment rate of persons in the 15 – 24 age groups (26.4%) decreased by 7% in comparison with 2011 (33.4%) The youth unemployment rate was 14.9% higher than the overall unemployment rate in 2015 In 2015, the inactivity rate of young people not in education, employment or training under the age of 25 (NEET) in Slovakia was 13.7% (EU 28 – 12%). Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and Eurostat In 2015, the unemployment rate of persons in the 15 – 24 age groups (26.4%) decreased by 7% in comparison with 2011 (33.4%) The youth unemployment rate was 14.9% higher than the overall unemployment rate in 2015 In 2015, the inactivity rate of young people not in education, employment or training under the age of 25 (NEET) in Slovakia was 13.7% (EU 28 – 12%). Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and Eurostat
Thank you for your attention Mgr. Dominika Garajová Department of Labour Market Policy Section of Labour Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic