1.Review of the Long Range Transportation Plan 2.Review of the Master Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 3.Discuss Transportation Element goals and strategies 1.Review current goals and strategies 2.Discuss possible amendments or additions 4.Discuss Transportation Element Action Plan items 1.Review current goals and strategies 2.Discuss possible amendments or additions GOALS FOR TODAY
Review of Current Plan Relationship to Comprehensive Plan LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN
The 2009 Comprehensive Plan goals were derived from various sources of stakeholder input, including the Town-wide Visioning Workshop, stakeholder interviews, and ongoing conversations with Town of Mount Pleasant staff and management. Many of the goals were adapted from the 2003 Comprehensive Plan. The goals provide the big picture direction for the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Strategies, incentives, and regulations are continuously updated and necessarily adapt to changing circumstances, but goals should endure and provide stability and direction over time. Town of Mount Pleasant Comprehensive Plan ,Introduction to Goals INTRODUCTION TO GOALS
1.Adopt a “complete streets” policy for new transportation projects. A complete streets policy requires that all new transportation projects plan for and provide facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit as well as private vehicles. 2.Encourage the use of alternative transportation options to decrease congestion, promote health and enhance quality of life. 1.Reduce average vehicle miles traveled for Town residents and the Town workforce by encouraging connected, compact, mixed land use patterns and transportation alternatives. 2.Provide greater access to and promote the convenience of transit options, including both water taxis and smaller, fixed-route buses to accommodate seniors. 3.Plan for future mass transit to serve and connect existing and future commercial and mixed use nodes. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT GOALS
3.Promote alternative transportation options and increase connectivity to reduce traffic congestion and enhance quality of life. 1.Aggressively expand the internal road network and increase roadway and pedestrian interconnectivity to reduce congestion and promote bicycle and pedestrian access. 2.Connect residential and employment areas with multi-use paths to encourage alternative commuting. 3.Increase the availability and quality of bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure, including greenways, streetscapes, bike routes, and sidewalks. 4.Recognize Coleman Boulevard as a special transportation enhancement area where the accommodation of alternative modes of transportation associated with gathering places would be beneficial. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT GOALS
4.Plan for safe and effective traffic flow throughout Mount Pleasant, as well as between Mount Pleasant and the rest of the Metro Area. 1.Continue to implement the Long Range Transportation Plan, which promotes the development of a safe and efficient transportation network. Recognize the important role this plan plays in supporting economic development opportunities in the Town. 2.Focus attention on the long-term impacts of growth relative to transportation, traffic congestion, and motorist/pedestrian safety. Ensure that transportation improvements are considered within the context of land use planning. 3.Promote street connectivity and alternate routes to limit congestion on the Town’s major roadways and shorten trip lengths. 4.Promote safe and efficient access to commercial properties and educational institutions. 5.Promote the development of an adequate public transportation network supported by transit-supportive development patterns along public transportation corridors. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT GOALS
TARGET STRATEGY: Develop a pedestrian and bicycle connectivity plan that links to all of the Town’s existing and planned nodes as well as parks and schools. TARGET STRATEGY: Implement the Long Range Transportation Plan. Promote access management on all major corridors to preserve roadway capacity and limit congestion. Enforce and enhance standards for street and pedestrian connectivity for all large and planned developments. Focus attention on the long-term impacts of growth relative to transportation planning and traffic congestion. Promote a “Park Once” policy in the Core Redevelopment Corridors and Community Nodes. Plan for the integration of transit and land use by developing design standards that relate to the access and provision of transit in all Community Nodes. Encourage the provision and promote the use of alternative modes of transportation. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT STRATEGIES
REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT ACTION PLAN Transportation OngoingCurrent Status Continue implementing Long Range Transportation Plan. XXXXXXX LRTP updates complete Develop a Master Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan linking existing and planned nodes, parks and schools. Consult the results of the Recreation Master Plan and the Long Range Transportation Plan. XXX Complete. Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan adopted into the Comprehensive Plan May 2013 Develop design standards for pedestrian and bicycle facilities and block sizes within Community Nodes. XXX Create 'complete street' design standards for new streets and improved roadways to include bike lanes and primary pedestrian street crossings. Update Long Range Transportation Study to include roadway classification map. XXX Ongoing. Working to include elements in the Land Development Regulations update. Promote the 'Park-Once' concept. Research techniques such as shared parking requirements, municipal parking decks and pedestrian-only zones. XXX Ongoing. Shared parking allowed. Review of Commercial parking requirements underway. Research the demand and cost of operating a shuttle system connecting the Core Redevelopment Corridors. XX Develop design standards for bus shelters and other transit infrastructure in Community Nodes and Core Redevelopment Corridors. XX Ongoing. Town working with CARTA to develop design standards for bus shelters.
Strengthen goals and strategies related to transportation for the elderly/aging population and include appropriate tasks in action plan to support implementation. Modify the language regarding the Master Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan to support implementation. Strengthen goals and strategies related to public transportation and specifically to increased coordination with CARTA. Also include appropriate tasks in action plan to support implementation. Other Considerations CONSIDERATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS OR ADDITIONS