Building research capacity through partnership the UK-ASEAN Research Hub Vietnam. Professor Alison Halstead Pro Vice Chancellor Strategic Academic Developments
What is the UK-ASEAN Research Hub? ►It will support the growth and development of the new Vietnam State International Research Led University VN-UK University. ►It will be initially based at the University of Danang ►It is supported by £600,000 from the British Council East Asia with Aston and Danang Universities ►It will enable ASEAN-UK research partnerships to be nurtured and developed.
What will the UK-ASEAN Research Hub do? ►It will focus on three disciplines ► Finance and Accounting ► Biotechnology ► Telecommunications ►Building on the Research Links activity in Vietnam to support research talent in East Asia with UK ►It will develop a research skills programme to focus on writing papers and grant applications with English language support. ►In will enable ECRs to submit papers to International conferences by 2016 with travel grants to support
What are the main objectives? ►There are four main objectives ►Critical mass of researchers to establish VN-UK University research centre. ►Research skills development ►Focus on external publication ►Generation of research income
What is already happening? ►Research Seminars/Workshop in Finance and Accounting November 2013 ►Researcher Link workshops in Feb ►Biotechnology ►Telecommunications ►Researcher link seminar workshop with Finance and Accounting in April 2014 ►Skills development needs identified and first research programme planned for all areas in September ►Invite to join to partner institutions in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand
What next? ►Identify potential ASEAN research leaders to join colleagues in the UK for research development activity – 1-12 months ►Encourage faculty without PhDs to apply for the fully funded Vietnam Government funds for 200 PhDs a year. (911 initiative) ►Promote and run researcher skills development programmes for ASEAN colleagues ►Identify key international conferences for discipline areas and target and support joint papers between UK and ASEAN researchers ►Identify funding opportunities
What will success look like? ►Papers submitted to conferences and journals from ECRs that are new to publishing ►Grant applications made by new applicants ►Expansion of applicants for research skills programme from ASEAN region ►ASEAN-EU Research Grant secured ►New UK-ASEAN research areas identified and partnerships developing ►ASEAN-UK research exchanges