Company Law
Background: why do we need companies and partnerships? what kind of organs do they have? what is unlimited and what is limited liability? usually, who is the representative of a company? how can the state recognize a company?
Reasons, functions 1. Combining different factors of production (e.g. labour, capital) 2. Limiting liability – enhancing entrepreneurial spirit 3. Company as an organized marketplace
Establishing a company: the requirements 1. Members (minimum? restrictions?) 2. Capital requirements: a) Equity v credit capital b) Registered capital v actual capital c) Minimum registered capital 3. Establishing documents: co. name + seat + members + activities + capital (cash / in kind) + officers + extras (signing, duration, type specific elements)
The process of establishing a capital 1. Signing the establishing document 2. Counter-signature of an attorney 3. Pre-company status, preliminary activity 4. Paying-in the contribution (according to the ratio defined by national law) 5. Registration: birth of the company
Organs/bodies of the company 1. General/strategic decision making (legislation): members’ meeting, (general) assembly 2. Management (day-to-day operation, execution): executives, managing partners 3. „Trust is good, control is better”: supervisory board, non-executive directors (two-tiered v one-tiered systems)
Types of business entities Partnerships: general and limited partnership Limited liability company Stock corporation (shareholding company)
General Partnership Unlimited & joint and several liability! Small, family businesses. Easy to establish and to administer. Representative: managing partner. No minimum capital requirement.
Limited partnerships The same rules are applicable as in case of general partnerships, with the exception that there is a limited partner. The liability of the limited partner does not exceed the money he/she invested. The question whether the limited partner may take part in the management of the company depends on local law.
Limited liability company Limited liability company (LLC ~ USA), Private company limited by shares (Ltd. ~ UK), GmbH (Germany), Kft. (Hungary), SARL (France) Limited liability of the members. Representation: managing director. Transfer of shares: some restrictions may apply, e.g. right of preemption, assent of the members’ meeting.
Stock corporation Closely & publicly held stock corporation. Publicly held stock corporation: shares/stock publicly traded on the capital market (stock exchange) ~ in case of a closely held corporation public trading is forbidden (similar to LLC). Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, Auditors, Assembly.