Electronic Spreadsheets CIT-101
Electronic Spreadsheet Definition A grid of rows and columns. A computerized equivalent of an accountant’s ledger. When values change, formulas are automatically recalculated.
Electronic Spreadsheets Electronic spreadsheets answer a type of question called “What if?” This is a way of predicting how change will affect the company.
Who uses Electronic Spreadsheets? Financial institutions Business and industry Building contractors Anyone who needs to budget
Terms: Rows – numeric (Max. 65,536) Columns - alphabetic (Max. 256) A-Z AA to AZ BA to BZ Etc, until IV.
Terms: Cell - The intersection of a row and column Active Cell – The cell with the heavy border around it. You make a cell active when you click it. Cell Reference– A unique reference. Example, the cell at the intersection of the first column and the 9 th row is A9.
Menu Bar Name Box Cell Pointer Formula Box Title Bar Standard & Formatting Bar Active Sheet Status Bar Elements of an Excel Worksheet:
Terms: Value (number) example: 4,325 Label (descriptive text) example: January
Terms: FORMULAS are a combination of: numeric constants cell references arithmetic operators
Terms: Formulas always begin with an = mark Followed by cell references and arithmetic operators. Example: =B4+E4
Terms: Arithmetic operators are as follows: + for addition - for subtraction * for multiplication / for division ^ for exponentiation
Formulas Follow the normal rules of precedence: 1st - expression in parenthesis 2nd - exponentiation 3rd - multiplication and division (left to right) 4th - addition and subtraction (left to right)
Terms: Function -A predefined computational task (more than 100 available) For example, the function AVERAGE: =AVERAGE(B1:B4) We could write the formula: =(B1 + B2 + B3 + B4)/4
Terms: Range (Block, Series) – a selected, contiguous block of cells. Ranges are represented within parentheses. Example: (B4:D4)
Terms: In Excel, our files are called “Workbooks” and have an extension of.xls. Each Workbook has, by default, three worksheets (spreadsheets).
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