NBI Difference between Macro and Micro Base Station Documentation Dept Jan Security Level:
参考配色 Based on the NBI (NorthBound Interface) data list of macro base station (Alarm List, Counter List, Parameter List), we add some columns to describe the differences. Take BTS3902E WCDMA (RAN15.0) for example: BTS3902E VS BTS3900 : describes the change type, including Consistency, New, Modified, or Deleted. Actual Value Range of BTS3902E: describes the modification details, only in Parameter List. Huawei Comment : describes the change reason. These spreadsheets are released with RAN15.0 BTS3902E NBI Data Documents.RAN15.0 BTS3902E NBI Data Documents NBI Difference between Macro* and Micro** Base Station VOC: Customers ask Huawei to provide NBI differences, because they have used Huawei macro base station and will employ micro base station. Huawei Solution: Provide NBI Difference between Macro and Micro Base Station. With it, you only need to modify your existing NBI tools, without developing a new one. *Macro means 3900 series base station; **Micro means BTS3902E WCDMA and BTS3803E WCDMA. *Macro means 3900 series base station; **Micro means BTS3902E WCDMA and BTS3803E WCDMA.
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