The EJTN Training Programme on Countering Terrorism and Radicalisation to Violent Extremism An example of cross-border cooperation of training providers
Judicial Trainings --- Professional Exchanges & Study Visits --- Collection of Judicial Training Programmes With the financial support of the Justice Programme of the European Union EJTN Project Countering Terrorism and Radicalisation to Violent Extremism -- - Projet REFJ La lutte contre le terrorisme et la radicalisation violente
Project’s 3 Pillars
EJTN Members - CT Expert Group A project implemented through the cooperation between EJTN members / judicial training providers across Europe
Pillar I – Judicial Trainings
212 judges, prosecutors and other judicial professionals trained
Pillar II – Professional Exchanges and Study Visits Austria Professional exchange 1 Germany Professional exchange & study visit 6 Italy Professioanl exchange 4 Spain Professional exchange & study visit 6 Sweden Study visit 12 United Kingdom Professional exchange 4 35 judges and prosecutors from 13 EU MS participating in professional exchanges and study visits 10 specialised / 25 non-specialised Exchange of best practices and knowledge
Pillar III – Collection of Judicial Training Programmes Collection of over 90 EU–wide and national judicial training programmes on counter-terrorism and related offences Providing national training institutions with easy access to the training programmes and methodology implemented by their counterparts across the EU Resources/
ACHIEVEMENTS & CONCLUSIONS A clearer understanding of the main challenges faced by judicial professionals in this field A clearer understanding of the existing training needs The need to reach all sectors of the judiciary to effectively address the FTF phenomenon, terrorism and radicalisation to violent extremism The added-value of cross-disciplinary training and cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism
THE WAY FORWARD From training needs to training programmes EJTN remains committed to addressing the challenges faced by the judiciary and to responding in a timely and effective manner EJTN can bring judicial training providers from across the EU together to assess training needs, discuss concrete training objectives, best practices and training methodologies Dialogue with different actors and stakeholders towards a better and comprehensive judicial training offer in this field
About the EJTN Private non-profit making international organisation registered under the Belgian Law, established in 2000 Judicial training institutions from all the 28 European Union MS and ERA are EJTN Members EJTN is training provider and sharing forum Training of 120,000 European Union judges and public prosecutors
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