The EJTN Training Programme on Countering Terrorism and Radicalisation to Violent Extremism 2015 - 2016 An example of cross-border cooperation of training.


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Presentation transcript:

The EJTN Training Programme on Countering Terrorism and Radicalisation to Violent Extremism An example of cross-border cooperation of training providers

Judicial Trainings --- Professional Exchanges & Study Visits --- Collection of Judicial Training Programmes With the financial support of the Justice Programme of the European Union EJTN Project Countering Terrorism and Radicalisation to Violent Extremism -- - Projet REFJ La lutte contre le terrorisme et la radicalisation violente

Project’s 3 Pillars

EJTN Members - CT Expert Group A project implemented through the cooperation between EJTN members / judicial training providers across Europe

Pillar I – Judicial Trainings

212 judges, prosecutors and other judicial professionals trained

Pillar II – Professional Exchanges and Study Visits Austria Professional exchange 1 Germany Professional exchange & study visit 6 Italy Professioanl exchange 4 Spain Professional exchange & study visit 6 Sweden Study visit 12 United Kingdom Professional exchange 4  35 judges and prosecutors from 13 EU MS participating in professional exchanges and study visits  10 specialised / 25 non-specialised  Exchange of best practices and knowledge

Pillar III – Collection of Judicial Training Programmes  Collection of over 90 EU–wide and national judicial training programmes on counter-terrorism and related offences  Providing national training institutions with easy access to the training programmes and methodology implemented by their counterparts across the EU Resources/

ACHIEVEMENTS & CONCLUSIONS  A clearer understanding of the main challenges faced by judicial professionals in this field  A clearer understanding of the existing training needs   The need to reach all sectors of the judiciary to effectively address the FTF phenomenon, terrorism and radicalisation to violent extremism  The added-value of cross-disciplinary training and cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism

THE WAY FORWARD From training needs to training programmes  EJTN remains committed to addressing the challenges faced by the judiciary and to responding in a timely and effective manner  EJTN can bring judicial training providers from across the EU together to assess training needs, discuss concrete training objectives, best practices and training methodologies  Dialogue with different actors and stakeholders towards a better and comprehensive judicial training offer in this field

About the EJTN  Private non-profit making international organisation registered under the Belgian Law, established in 2000  Judicial training institutions from all the 28 European Union MS and ERA are EJTN Members  EJTN is training provider and sharing forum  Training of 120,000 European Union judges and public prosecutors

Thank you for your attention!