Set-off and other substantive law objections as defence against the enforcement of an arbitral award BORRIS ■ HENNECKE ■ KNEISEL Rechtsanwälte Dr. Christian Borris, LL.M 3rd DIS Baltic Arbitration Days 2014 Riga, 27 June 2014
The issue Set-off as a defence against enforcement of an arbitral award Other substantive objections as defences against enforcement of an arbitral award - E.g.: Award obtained by fraud Procedural alternatives BORRIS ■ HENNECKE ■ KNEISEL Rechtsanwälte
Position of the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) Set-off recognized as a defence against enforcement of an arbitral award Reasoning: procedural efficiency Jurisdiction of enforcement courts vs. jurisdiction of general courts of the first instance Exceptions: Set-off claim is subject to an arbitration agreement Set-off claim could have been but was not raised during the arbitral proceedings - BORRIS ■ HENNECKE ■ KNEISEL Rechtsanwälte
Legal situation in other countries USA: set-off not recognized as a defence (because it does not fall within any of the NY Convention defences) Canada: set-off not recognised as a defence (because it does not fall within any of the defences according to the Model Law BORRIS ■ HENNECKE ■ KNEISEL Rechtsanwälte
Critique Full right to be heard vs procedural efficiency Loss of one instance Enforcement proceedings not suited to deal with complex factual issues Breach of the UN Convention: not one of the grounds for denying enforcement pursuant to Art. V? BORRIS ■ HENNECKE ■ KNEISEL Rechtsanwälte
BORRIS ■ HENNECKE ■ KNEISEL Rechtsanwälte Im Zollhafen Cologne Germany T F