United States Public Health Service Commission Corps Post-Retirement Employment Restrictions
Purpose To provide an overview of the Post-Retirement Employment Restrictions This briefing is not designed to replace the USPHS Commissioned Corps Retirement Seminar that is located on the Commissioned Corps Learning Management System "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"
Ethics Officials can provide answers on Post-Retirement Employment Restrictions Federal employment Foreign government employment Procurement officials’ rules Flag officer specific rules Working during transition leave “Switching Sides” Designated Agency Ethics Official "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"
18 U.S.C. § 207—Restrictions on Former Officers, Employees, and Elected Officials of the Executive and Legislative Branches 18 U.S.C. § 207(a)(1)-Permanent Restrictions on Representation on Particular Matters 18 U.S.C. § 207(a)(2)—Two-Year Restrictions Concerning Particular Matters Under Official Responsibility 18 U.S.C. § 207(b)(1)—One-Year Restrictions on Aiding or Advising 18 U.S.C. § 207(c)—One-Year Restrictions on Certain Senior Personnel of the Executive Branch and Independent Agencies United States Code "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"
18 U.S.C. § 207(f)—Restrictions Relating to Foreign Entities 41 U.S.C. § 423—Restrictions on Disclosing and Obtaining Contractor Bid or Proposing Information or Source Selection Information United States Code "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"
There are no restrictions specifically governing the ability of retired officers to accept employment with domestic, non-federal governments or agencies State and Local Government Employment "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"
Applies to all former officers Forever Cannot try to influence a federal employee on any particular matter involving non-federal parties in which you participated personally and substantially as a federal official Two years Cannot try to influence a federal employee on a matter involving non-federal parties that was under your supervision during your last year of active duty “Switching Sides” "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"
Someone who participates personally and substantially in the conduct of a procurement May not solicit employment from a competing contractor in an on-going procurement action For one year after your involvement as a procurement official on a contract in excess of $10,000,000, you may not receive compensation from that contractor Procurement Officials
For one year after retirement May not attempt to influence any official action in the military department where the last year of active duty was performed May not aid, advise, or represent any foreign entity to help influence any U.S. Government entity or employee Within 30 days after retirement Must file SF 278, Public Financial Disclosure Report Flag Officers "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"
HHS Office of General Counsel Ethics Division Deputy Ethics Counselor at the Agency/OPDIV/Program from which the officer retired DCCPR Web site at: Office of Government Ethics’ Web site at: Contains laws and regulations which pertain to post- employment restrictions Resources "Protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the Nation"