Click to edit Master title style A President’s Guide to Working with the Pastor 1September 2015
Click to edit Master title style Code of Cannon Law 1.It is within the rights of a Christian to organize or join associations as each may desire. (1983) 2.All the Christian faithful have the right to promote or to sustain apostolic action by their own undertakings in accord with each one’s state and condition; however, no undertaking shall assume the name Catholic unless competent ecclesiastical authority is given. (Cannon 216) SVDP is an association 2
Click to edit Master title style Lay Character of the Society The Society is an ecclesial spiritual fraternity, encouraged by the Church and officially recognized The Society, as a Catholic association, is a lay movement, recognized by Papal authority. The Society is intimately attached to the Church. The Church promotes a laity full of life, active and dynamic Apostolate through Spirituality and Friendship 3
Click to edit Master title style Working with the Pastor “We are Part of the Life of the Church” Cooperation with and respect for the Pastor and his staff. Relationship with Pastor is critical for the success of the Conference Active, positive working relationship Understand the Pastor’s role and responsibilities. Spiritual and material welfare of all the people Understand our role in the Ecclesiastical Plan. Pastor’s permission to start a Conference Need the Pastor’s confidence. Be realistic about everyone’s level of understanding. Communicate about our ministry Actions bring people to the truth. 4
Click to edit Master title style Working with the Pastor (Cont’d) “We are Part of the Life of the Church” Be realistic about everyone’s level of understanding (Cont’d) - Help the Pastor understand how our Society works - Provide information in small amounts - Show by living our faith in the parish. Understand how our actions today can have long term consequences. - Pastor can go on to other problems. - Nothing more destructive than failure of Conference to do its job Understand the potential conflict inherent in our situation. - Independence from ecclesiastical jurisdiction vs dependence on Pastor. - Conferences are part of Life of the Church and parish community 5
Click to edit Master title style Communication is Essential Pastor to know what the Conference is planning and Conference to know what the parish is doing Invite Pastor to attend Conference meetings, or Meet with Pastor often. A good Pastor is often a:A good Pastor is often a: –Good manager –Wise fundraiser –Shrewd judge of people Tap into that knowledge! People are supportive of things they helped create.Tap into that knowledge! People are supportive of things they helped create. 6
Click to edit Master title style Face up to Problems Remember the Society exists and operates in the parish only with the permission of the Pastor Personality Conflicts –Pastor difficulty communicating with President –Examine if you are the problem – Aggressive rather than supportive? Critical of new ideas? Inflexible in your plans? You are responsible for working out a personality conflict with your Pastor Issues approached in a humble, prayerful manner. Never, ever call the news media! Truth will prevail. 7
Click to edit Master title style Face up to Problems (Cont’d) Conference and Parish Goal: We work together to serve God’s poor Authority Disagreements ₋Society is governed by its rules and must be followed. ₋Pastor may help someone at his door when no SVdP members available. ₋Respect request from the Pastor to visit someone. ₋Conference makes decision after a Home Visit. 8
Click to edit Master title style Maintain Rules for Independence 1. SVdP funds not co-mingled with parish funds 2. Conference must have its own bank account 3. Ordained Clergy cannot be authorized signers 4. Ordained clergy cannot be Officers but can be member and Spiritual Advisor. Conference decides who to help – not pastor 5. Parish staff should not commit the Conference to assist anyone 9
Click to edit Master title style Four Steps to Develop a Beneficial Relationship with the Pastor You are a part of your parish. Be a visible part! 1.Help him Be reliable Be there promptly Meet his deadlines 2.Get his permission Ask before passing out anything Pastor to approve final version of insert for parish bulletin 3.Don’t make more work for him Pastor may give permission, but you do the work. Don’t dump work on parish staff. 4.Tie Conference activities to the parish liturgical life Participate in parish fund raising but do not give Conference funds 10
Click to edit Master title style Summary Pastor’s permission to start Conference Relationship with Pastor is critical for success Help the Pastor understand how our society works Pastor can go on to other responsibilities Work out personality conflict with your Pastor 11
Click to edit Master title style Summary (Cont’d) Approach conflict in a humble, prayerful manner If Pastor helps someone at his door late at night, we should reimburse him for any costs if requested Clergy cannot be authorized signers on SVDP checking account Pastor may give permission, but you do the work Always ask before you pass out anything in or around the church Participate in parish fund raising 12