Karla Valentina Muñoz
Who I am… Hola everybody!!! My name is Karla Valentina Munoz. I am 25 years old, and I have been married for almost 6 years. I married a wonderful man, Luis (27), who has been one of my biggest supporters. We have a son named Byron, who is 4 and will turn 5 the last day of November. He is the most important and precious gifts from our Heavenly God. He is such a smart and joyful kid!
Likes I love to spend time with my son and husband. Almost every weekend we rent movies and watch them together. One of my favorites hobbies, and the scariest to my husband is shopping!!! I also love to take pictures and videos of us. My computer is full of them. I like to take my son to the park, play, run, and do everything with him. I totally love hearing music, I do it while taking a bath, cooking, doing homework, working-out, or playing with my son (he loves music too). I enjoy hearing my husband playing guitar while singing and my son playing drums/accordion or singing too. I do also love to sing but my voice is not as privileged as my son and husband’s.
I Live… Today, I live in Jacksonville, Texas. I had been living here since September 1, I was born and raised in Guanajuato, Mexico, until my dad decided to brought us here with him, I was 15 years old. Here I learn many things that have shaped who I am today. I learn a new language and although it was not easy today I can say that I did it, because I am able to communicate, but also still learning. I knew people who did not believed I could do it because to their eyes and believes I was “too old” to learn a the language. People even said that I was not going to succeed and that I was not going to have the opportunity to become a professional because of my age. Yes, I am an ELL student and I am proud of it. I am thankful to God and to this country because thanks to their support and the opened arms that welcomed me, I finished my BA in education this last April, right now I am working on earning my Master’s Degree specialized in ELLs. And how knows? I might end up working for my Doctorate after this. I will be teaching in a bilingual program so all of my students will be ELLs and they are the reason behind my choice.
Since entered school I knew I was going to be a teacher some day. What I did not imagine was that I was going to be bilingual and will be working on a Master’s degree. I had more than one favorite teachers, but the two I can brag about are Mrs. Marilynn Hooker, my 10 th grade English teacher and Dr. Chuck Lowery, my first teaching when I first arrived from Mexico. Dr. Lowery was my teacher for 9 th grade in a bilingual program called New Comers. With out him knowing about my dream and vocation to become a teacher, he told me one day that he could see me teaching for the way I used to help my friends understand things, like math and all that. He used to laugh because my friends used to get mad at me because instead of giving them the answers on our assignments, I used to offer to help them to do their work. Today he is an assistant professor at Ohio University and is the one who helps me to revise my assignments. Mrs. Hooker was my 10 th grade, fifth period English teacher, that was my first year in regular school. I do not knew a lot of English because at the New Comers' Program the main focus was to teach us about the culture. He was a tough teacher and did not let anyone help me but her. She knew that the most pressured I felt to speak English the faster I will learn and communicate. After that tortured year we became closer and we used to dream about her visiting on my first year teaching. Sadly she passed away two years ago. That was pretty hard for me because I loved her like if she was my grandmother. Thank God that she always knew that I was going to end up doing what we used to dream about, teaching.
What I want my future to be… Personally & I want to be a teacher of an elementary school… I want to live in a big house with 2 boys, 2 girls, and a dog … I want to go on a vacation with my family to Disney World… Buy a new truck to my husband (actually that is his dream)… Professionally I want to finish with my Master’s degree… And why not, get my doctorate after it (Dr. Lowery calls me the eternal student, LOL)
Thanks for taking the time to read my intro this was just a little about me… Have a nice and wonderful day!!! Or night!!! P.S. Have a life full of blessings, health, and love!!!