Respiratory System and Health Ch. 15.4, p. 295 to 298 Streptococcus pyogenes causes strep throat.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Strep Throat A bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Doctors give you antibiotics for this. Symptoms: Fever, very painful sore throat, red tonsils, and enlarged lymph nodes. Also white patches on the tonsils.
Sinusitis Infection of the sinuses. Does not usually accompany an upper respiratory tract infection. Occurs when nasal congestion blocks the openings to the sinuses. Symptoms: Nasal discharge, facial pain that gets worse when bending over. Pain and tenderness in cheeks and forehead. Sometimes toothache.
Laryngitis An infection of the larynx with an accompanying hoarseness to the voice. Inability to talk in an audible voice. Persistent hoarseness without an upper respiratory tract infection could be a warning sign for cancer! Go see a doctor. (like seriously)
Viral or bacterial infection of the lungs. Bronchi and alveoli fill with fluid. This makes it difficult for O 2 to diffuse across into the capillaries. Pneumonia usually includes high fever, chills, a headache, and chest pain. Can occur when people are immunocompromised. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections Pneumonia
Tuberculosis a.k.a. Consumption Caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Lungs form tubercles, a tiny capsule that surrounds the bacteria if they invade the lungs. People who have low resistance cannot stop the bacteria from escaping the tubercles. Otherwise the bacteria die.
Causes chronic coughing, blood in the sputum, (spit), fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Has plagued humans since ancient times. Found on ancient Egyptian mummies! Folklore associated tuberculosis with evidence of vampirism. Was a huge problem in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s in Europe causing nearly 25% of all deaths. Today an issue in the developing world.
In 2007, the prevalence of TB per 100,000 people was highest in sub-Saharan Africa, and was also relatively high in Asia.
Does anyvone haff a cough drop? YES
Emphysema (COPD) Chronic and incurable disorder! Often preceded by chronic bronchitis. Elastic recoil of lungs is reduced and there can be a noticeable ballooning in the chest. Breathlessness and cough. Gas exchange is reduced. Heart works extra hard to pump enough blood to pick up O 2. Main causes are tobacco smoking and air pollution.
SMOKING Causes several types of cancer. Can lead to emphysema and heart disease!!! Destroys cilia lining respiratory system. Cannot get dirt and particles out. Need big phlegmy hacking coughs. Contains chemicals such as ~ formaldehyde, nail polish remover, and rat poison.