“Let’s do something for our planet” Lifelong Learning Programme This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the autor, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use wich may be made of the information contained therein.
ACTIVITIES JANUARY-MAY 2010 “GHEORGHE MAGHERU” SCHOOL Caracal, Romania Activities about “The Sun-our primary source of energy”, obtaining energy from soil resources (wood) and from subsoil (methane, oil, coal), using solar energy for a clean environment. Activities in classrooms, experiments, gathering information.
THE SOLAR SYSTEM – thematic project What is the sun and which are the planets of our solar system?
The influence of the sun in the nature The seasons’ formation, animals and plants life cycles The pupils asked questions and their questions were asked in turn What happens when the sun heats the Earth? Sun takes its energy from where? How do eclipses occur? The sun will shine forever?
Be careful! It’s burning ! The Sun, “the leading actor” of our solar system, a source of life on Terra,is energy, light and high spirits source. The day star can be sometimes extremely dangerous if we ignore its hidden secrets from the rays that welcome us every morning.
Sun - green energy source Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the available renewable energy on earth. Only a minuscule fraction of the available solar energy is used. Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies.
Children working
Spring – 8th March Mother’s Day holiday The pupils from the second grade decorated their classrooms, designed costumes and made recycled paper greeting cards.
PRACTICAL WORKS Model making, drawings, posters, worksheets, crossword puzzles
The sun and the shadow… In the sun’s light, things.have a shadow. We can use shadow to protect ourselves from the hot rays of the sun, or we can use it to draw objects. The shadow differs according to the position of the sun. DON’T LOOK AT THE SUN THROUGH OPTICAL INSTUMENTS THAT ARE NOT DESIGNED WITH SPECIAL FILTERS FOR WATCHING THE SUN !!!
THE FIRE-A FRIEND OR AN ENEMY ? Informative and practic activities about pollution- rubbish burning, energy production and ways of decreasing the effects of the pollution.
Children, don’t play with fire! TALK, PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES
22 nd March – “The International Day of Water” THE WATER AND THE FIRE Afire in the forest must be watched carefully! When you leave, put the fire out with water, then cover with soil! The firemen use water to put out fires. To announce a fire use the emergency number 112 !
“THE FOREST MONTH” – 15 th March- 15 th April Instructive activities of fire prevention in the forests, educating the respect for forests, trees, plants and animals.
Our school has taken a new look On the windows, doors and walls and in the classrooms the forest turned green.
Instructive activities took place in our classrooms
Instructive sketch: “The nature friends” The pupils from the VI th grade prepared the sketch for their little schoolmates.
Drawing and posters making
Activities in the nature
Models, posters worksheet making
Vienna- Austria, the last project reunion The pupils draw the Danube route, they discovered information about Austria and they are eager to see pictures