Welcome to NILU ICP - Materials NILU - Research for a clean atmosphere Dr. Kari Nygaard, CEO
NILU’s organisation chart Atmosphere and Climate Air pollution at regional and global level Climate system and climate drivers Volcanic ash and radioactivity Ozone layer and UV Urban Environment and Industry Urban air quality and urban planning Health effects of energy systems in urban environments Effects on cultural heritage Indoor air quality Air monitoring Environmental Chemistry Dispersion and conversion of new and old environmental pollutants Chemical analysis Effects of environmental pollutants on human health Environmental Impacts and Economics Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Emissions overview of contaminants Monitoring and Instrumentation Technology Operation of field measurements Sampling equipment and instrumentation in the field Calibration and maintenance of instruments Software and Hardware Development Development and maintenance of software and hardware programs Research director High North QM EU-coordinator Administration Communications Innovation Managing director 200 employees representing 28 countries, annual turnover 25 Mill Euro
NILU from pole to pole NILU monitors climate change, global air quality and air pollution transport pathways in three major observatories : Supplying researchers worldwide with data being a data centre for observations related to different international protocols Zeppelin - the Arctic Troll - the Antarctica Birkenes in Norway
International assignments International Projects 30 % Basic grant 12 % National Projects 58 %
Some EU funded projects: REACH ( ) IMPACT ( ) MULTI-ASSESS ( ) MASTER ( , NILU co-ordinator) CULT-STRAT ( ) NOAHs ARK ( ) PROPAINT ( , NILU co-ordinator) TeACH ( ) MEMORI ( , NILU co-ordinator) NILU has been active in national and international projects related to the preservation of cultural heritage since the beginning of Impact on materials and cultural heritage
ICP-materials at NILU: 15 years since last meeting at NILU Now one of the longest running projects at NILU! Birkenes station, Norway, 2014.
Long time series for atmospheric corrosion. Effects of air pollution, and climate (change) Main results: Welcome to NILU - we hope this work will continue its success in the challenging years to come with adaption to the climate change! Development of dose-response functions, for mapping and economic assessment Carbon steel first year corrosion for Europe in 2000 (µm / year)