Butte County Board of Supervisors June 14, 2016 Garner Ranch Agricultural Conservation Easement RFI
Request NCRLT requests a resolution of support from the Board for its application to acquire agricultural easements on approximately 2,480+ acres of land located about 2.1 miles north-northeast of the City of Chico Sphere of Influence along the Butte-Tehama County line, off Cohasset Road
Allowed Uses Cattle grazing and associated standard practices (e.g., customary fencing, maintenance of associated infrastructure, etc.); Hunting, camping, and outdoor recreation; & Limited non-residential development within 2 two-acre building envelopes.
Prohibited Uses Agricultural uses and development that would impair the ranch’s agricultural, biological, and cultural resources, such as clearing of native woody vegetation, and intensification to non- grazing agricultural uses. Residential development outside of homesite areas.
General Plan Goals Goal AG-1 Protect, maintain, promote and enhance Butte County’s agriculture uses and resources, a major source of food, employment and income in Butte County Goal AG-2 Protect Butte County’s agricultural lands from conversion to non-agricultural uses
General Plan Policy Policy AG-P2.2 The County supports private conservation organizations that utilize voluntary agricultural easements as a tool for agricultural conservation, continued agricultural use, agricultural supportive uses, tax breaks, and similar goals.
Findings in Support 1. The project site supports long-term commercial agricultural production 2,480 acres, historically grazed Ongoing commitment from owners In Williamson Act contract Water supply includes riparian water rights, springs, agricultural wells, and stock ponds.
Findings in Support 2.The project site supports long-term commercial agricultural production Designated Agriculture by the County’s General Plan Land Use map Zoned AG-160 (Agriculture acre minimum) Previous General Plan and zoning designations for this property also reflected agricultural land uses. GP Goals and Policy
Findings in Support 3.Without conservation, the land proposed for protection is likely to be converted to nonagricultural uses. Zoning allows 2 du/parcel, or 18 dus Adjacent, existing Rural Residential (1+ ac) development and Foothill Residential (20+ ac) Large-scale Solar GPAs and Rezones
Recommendation: Adopt the resolution and authorize the chair to sign.