R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Nikhef Electronics Technology TGL Ruud Kluit 118-Apr-16.


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Presentation transcript:

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Nikhef Electronics Technology TGL Ruud Kluit 118-Apr-16

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Flex layer ~30% 25 positions: 6 MSc (1 PhD), 12 BEng, 5 Technicians. 2 Temp,+ outsourcing & short contracts Electronics technology 218-Apr-16

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Electronics Technology engineering competences 18-Apr-163

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Analog electronics Design Amplification, Sensor signal Digitization, controls systems, analog signal processing. Specific environments, e.g. vacuum, small volume, etc. Electro-magnetic interference qualification (EMC) 4 Advanced Virgo: Linear Alignment electronics 18-Apr-16

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Advanced Programmable logic; FPGA’s (0.5-2M FF’s) Multi-site project groups, =collaboration. High volume & high speed data transport. Hardware && Software ! Embedded Systems 5 LHCb Scifi: Front-end readout module. Km3Net: Readout & timing system: < 1ns accuracy in several km 3. (Digital electronics) 18-Apr-16

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Data Comm. & Fiber Optics 6 High speed data transport (E.g. 10Gbps) in DAQ systems Optical communication components & network design Km3Net Optical Network: =Nikhef design. Special components for critical environments: E.g. In radiation & under water. R&D on photonic-Integrated circuits Dedicated Lab for fiber optics. 18-Apr-16

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Advanced CMOS IC technologies Contribute to Systems On Chip (SOC) > 200M transistors Multi site projects (5->20 designers) E.g. CERN RD53: ATLAS & CMS common development IC design 7 ATLAS IBL FE-Chip : FEI4 87M tr. ET: readout part. Km3Net PMT’s; amplifier & HV generator IC’s (50k) (100% Nikhef development) R&D & medical: TimePix Pixel sensor IC’s Nikhef: Fast Time measurement. 18-Apr-16

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Printed Circuit boards High density & high frequency design. Production in Industry 818-Apr-16 Thermal behavior

R. Kluit Nikhef Amsterdam ET Km3Net optical data communication, PMT readout IC, HV. ATLAS DAQ ATLAS DAQ R&D Pixel Detector readout systems R&D Pixel Detector readout systems Virgo electronics Virgo electronics Pixel detector ICs; LHCb, ATLAS, ALICE, R&D Pixel detector ICs; LHCb, ATLAS, ALICE, R&D 9 LHCb Scifi Readout system LHCb Scifi Readout system Embedded systems (optical) Data-Communication Analog electronics IC-design PCB design Embedded systems (optical) Data-Communication Analog electronics IC-design PCB design + + Mechanical engineering + + Software engineering Detector R&D Apr-16 Summary: Outsourcing: -PCB production & assembly -Cable manufacturing -Series testing & manufacturing -”none core” design. Outsourcing: -PCB production & assembly -Cable manufacturing -Series testing & manufacturing -”none core” design. Tooling & Instrumentation: Design & simulation High-end: (advanced) High-Frequency instruments Tooling & Instrumentation: Design & simulation High-end: (advanced) High-Frequency instruments