Beaver Fever Medical Term: Giardiasis by Sairra H Medical Term: Giardiasis by Sairra H
Beaver Fever Not to be confused with the 1970’s “Dance Fever” Craze
What is Beaver Fever? Beaver Fever is an illness in the intestine that infects nearly 20% of the people in the world. In the US 7% of all feces tested has signs of the infection that causes “Beaver Fever” According to these facts the illness is believed to be more wide spread than reported.
Beaver Fever Facts Beaver Fever Facts 2/3 of people do not have any symptoms Symptoms occur 2-3 weeks after infection First symptom is explosive and watery Diarrhea that last up to over a week! In chronic cases it may persist for months! It makes it hard for the body to absorb fats in the intestine
What causes this sickness? Food or water contaminated by an itty-bitty cell named: Giardia lamblia
A closer look at Giardia lamblia Type of Cell: Flagellated Protozoan Parasite- Single cell microbes with whip tails. Asexual Reproductive: Divides within itself to increase number of cells. Anaerobic: Does not require oxygen It can change its form so it is both cystic and parasitic. Research has shown that an infected host of this organism will have increased Copper levels, but decreased Iron and Zinc
Life Cycle of the Beaver Fever Illness
Prevention Tip #1 Boil water for 3 minutes. Tip #2 Clean up after your pets!