Urinary System
Functions of Urinary System 1.Remove wastes from blood 2.Produce/store/excrete urine 3.Regulate blood volume 4.Regulate erythrocyte production – Secretes erythropoeitin (EPO)
Urinary System 1.Kidneys 2.Ureters 3.Urinary bladder 4.Urethra
Kidneys Retroperitoneal Concave medial border = hilum Renal capsule – fibrous outer covering Perinephric fat – cushions kidneys
Regions of the Kidney Outer renal cortex and inner renal medulla renal columns - projections of cortex into medulla – subdivide medulla into renal pyramids – Tip of pyramid = renal papilla
Tubing within the Kidney Each papilla projects into minor calyx Several minor calyces major calyx Major calyces renal pelvis Renal pelvis ureter
Arterial Supply to the Kidney Blood enters kidneys via renal arteries renal arteries segmental arteries interlobar arteries arcuate arteries interlobular arteries
Arterial Supply to the Kidney interlobular arteries afferent arterioles Afferent arterioles glomerulus plasma filtered remaining blood enters efferent arteriole
Capillary Supply to the Kidney Efferent arterioles branch into either: 1.Peritubular capillaries – surround PCT and DCT 2.Vasa recta – surround nephron loop
Venous Return from the Kidney Peritubular capillaries and vasa recta interlobular veins arcuate veins interlobar veins renal vein **NO SEGMENTAL VEINS
Nephrons Nephron = functional filtration unit of kidney ~ 1.25 million nephrons per kidney Form urine through: 1.Filtration – fluid/solute pushed out of blood 2.Tubular reabsorption – fluid/solute pulled back into blood 3.Tubular secretion – additional solute added to urine from blood
Nephron Structure Nephron comprised of: 1.Renal corpuscle 2.Renal tubule
Renal Corpuscle Located in renal cortex Composed of two structures: 1.Glomerulus – a thick tangle of fenestrated capillaries 2.Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule – epithelial covering around glomerulus
Glomerular Capsule 1.Visceral layer – directly overlies glomerulus – comprised of specialized cells called podocytes Form filtration membrane 2. Parietal layer – forms wall of capsule
Renal Tubule Consists of – Proximal convoluted tubule – Loop of Henle (nephron loop) – Distal convoluted tubule
Proximal Convoluted Tubule Directly connects to GC In renal cortex Lined w/simple cuboidal ET with microvilli – reabsorbs most nutrients and water from filtrate Reabsorbed into peritubular capillaries returned to general circulation
Nephron Loop Projects into medulla 1.Descending limb 2.Ascending limb Reabsorption of water and solutes – Into vasa recta
Distal Convoluted Tubule Found in renal cortex Lined w/simple cuboidal – Short, sparse microvilli K + and H + secreted from peritubular capillaries into DCT DCTs of all nephrons in a pyramid dump into central collecting duct
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Consists of: – Juxtaglomerular cells: modified smooth m. of afferent arteriole – Macula densa – modified epith. cells in DCT If low blood volume/solute conc., MD stimulates JG cells JG cells release renin Renin aldosterone incr. ion conc. and BV incr. BP
Urinary Tract Composed of: 1.Ureters 2.Urinary bladder Stores urine Lined with transitional epithelium 3.Urethra Urethra ends at opening called external urethral orifice Release of urine controlled by: – Detrusor muscle – smooth muscle in wall of bladder – Internal urethral sphincter – smooth muscle – External urethral sphincter – skeletal muscle
Urinary Bladder Posteroinferior triangular area of bladder = trigone – Defined by two ureteral openings and the urethral opening
Female Urethra Has single function of transporting urine to exterior of body – Short tube
Male Urethra Both urinary and reproductive functions – transports both urine and semen Three segments: 1.Prostatic urethra 2.Membranous urethra 3.Penile urethra Much longer than female urethra
Male vs. Female Urethra