NSP II Project Directors Meeting JUNE 3, 2016 PRISCILLA MOORE & OSCAR IBARRA
Agenda ▪ General Reporting ▪ Annual Reports ▪ Project & Budget Amendments ▪ Final Reports ▪ Financial Audits ▪ Updates ▪ Dissemination Discussion ▪ Questions
General Reporting ▪ Report Deadlines ▪ Annual Reports: ▪ August 31, 2016 ▪ Final Reports: ▪ September 30, 2016 ▪ 90 days after grant funding ends ▪ Please Request Reporting Extensions Prior to Deadline ▪ Report Submissions ▪ Project Director
Annual Reports ▪ New Deadline: August 31, 2016 ▪ Mandatory Date Tables ▪ Annual Budget Summary Change: ▪ FY 2016: ACTUAL EXPENDITURES ▪ Carryover: Avoid Significant Amounts of Carryover Funding
Project & Budget Amendments ▪ Changing the grant scope or objectives ▪ Replacing the project director or key personnel ▪ Making budget changes exceeding $1,000 or 10% in any category ▪ Adding a line item requires a project and budget amendment ▪ Extending the grant beyond the grant end date ▪ Project amendment requests for grant extension should be submitted no less than one month prior to the original grant end date
Final Reports ▪ Budget Summary ▪ Budget Summary Checks ▪ Avoid Rounding ▪ Original, signed budget summary required ▪ Return of Funds ▪ Narrative Explanation
Financial Audits ▪ Random & Focused ▪ Generally, conducted during site visits ▪ Project directors will be notified in advance ▪ Financial and grant personnel should be included ▪ Review Supporting Documentation ▪ Confirm annual and/or final reports reflect an accurate reporting of expenditures ▪ Supporting Documentation Examples ▪ Invoices & Receipts ▪ Payment Vouchers ▪ Statements & Cancelled Checks ▪ Payroll Records & Employment Contracts ▪ Contract & Sub-award Documents
Updates ▪ Senate Bill 108 ▪ Nurse Support Website: Reporting ▪ FY 2018 RFA
NSP II Statute Change and Significance ▪ Senate Bill 108 ▪ Revised NSP II statute to remove “bedside” as a descriptor ▪ Expands types of projects eligible for NSP II funding ▪ Voted favorable by the senate and house ▪ Approved and signed into legislation April 26, 2016
Nursesupport.org ▪ Web-based reporting expected for FY 2016 reporting ▪ MHEC Training: Next Week ▪ Expected Launch: June 27th ▪ Training materials will be provided to project directors early to mid July. ▪ Project directors will be assigned a log in to enter and submit reports.
FY 2018 Competitive Institutional Grants RFA ▪ RFA Release ▪ September/October 2016 ▪ Technical Assistance ▪ November/December 2016 ▪ RFA Deadline ▪ January 6, 2017
Statewide Resource Grants ▪ Funding up to $100,000 ▪ Short-term Projects: Up to 12 months ▪ Small projects that align with the goals of the NSP II but would not qualify for planning, implementation or continuation grants. ▪ Expenditures should: (1) add overall value to the nursing program and (2) lack alternative funding sources. ▪ Priority: Need-based proposals ▪ Awards would be contingent upon the availability of funds ▪ Generally ineligible for grant extensions. ▪ Extensions for accreditation projects considered on a case by case basis. ▪ Any institution awarded a statewide resource grant will be considered ineligible for resource funding the following grant cycle.
Statewide Resource Grants: Expenditures Eligible Expenditures ▪ Instructional Technology ▪ Instructional Equipment ▪ Faculty Development and Training ▪ Costs associated with accreditation, licensure or regulatory compliance. Ineligible Expenditures ▪ Student Support ▪ Scholarships, Loan Assistance, Stipends, Financial Assistance, Etc. ▪ Salary and Personnel Expenses ▪ Indirect Costs
Intellectual Property The NSP II policy is to ensure the use of intellectual property developed in the course of or under this grant furthers the goals of the NSP II and benefits the nursing profession in Maryland. Therefore, when intellectual property is developed in the course of or under this grant, the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) and Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) shall have an irrevocable right to obtain, reproduce, publish, distribute or otherwise use any work developed under this grant for governmental and/or educational purposes.
Intellectual Property: Continued ▪ The grantee shall deliver a complete, functioning version or copy of the final product(s) developed under this grant to the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) and Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). ▪ The grantee shall make the final product(s) available for use by Maryland state agencies and Maryland public institutions of higher education at no cost. ▪ At no time shall the grantee (or any sub-grantee or subcontractor to the grantee) charge other Maryland state agencies or Maryland public institutions of higher education for the use of any work developed under the grant.
Conflict of Interest Applicants must disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest relative to the performance of the requirements of this RFA. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest may be cause for disqualification of an application or termination of a Grant Award resulting from this RFA. If, following a review of this information, it is determined by the MHEC that a conflict of interest exists, applicants may be disqualified from further consideration.
Dissemination Discussion ▪ Annual Requirement: ALL active grants ▪ Include presentation, poster and article dissemination details in annual and final reports ▪ Opportunities: ▪ MNA Conference ▪ MDAC Meeting: June 27 th ▪ NSP II Website ▪ ▪ Guest Speakers: ▪ Dr. Lisa Seldomridge: Salisbury University ▪ Dr. Mary Etta Mills: University of Maryland