AGOL and Portal for ArcGIS AGOL is ESRI’s Cloud service offering and requires purchasing credits through the DWR ESRI software contract. Portal for ArcGIS is Esri’s On- Premise Cloud service and requires establishing and managing named user accounts.
AGOL and Portal for ArcGIS Key Features Both offerings support Web services, a map viewer, content repository, and an API. Portal for ArcGIS supports a tightly integrated security environment for managing user accounts and access to information. Both are supported by DWR’s enterprise GIS architecture.
ArcGIS Online
Managing Credit Usage The EGIS Unit is currently working with the DWR Enterprise GIS Committee to establish a governance structure to improve the process for purchasing and using ArcGIS Online credits. ArcGIS Online
What Services Consume AGOL Credit Use? Map Tile Generation (1 cr / 1,000 tiles) Feature Storage (2.4 cr/10mb per month) Geocoding (40 cr/1,000 geocodes) Spatial Analysis (1 cr/1,000 features) ArcGIS Online
User Roles Administrator Publisher Management approval Custom roles ArcGIS Online
Monitoring Credits Assign a designated administrator. Estimate initial service use. Monitor using the Credit Estimator tool. Use the Activity Dashboard to manage credit usage. ArcGIS Online
The EGIS Unit is working with the DWR Enterprise GIS Committee on implementing the Portal for ArcGIS. The EGIS Unit is working with ESRI to better define named-user accounts from a licensing perspective. Portal for ArcGIS
AGOL and Portal for ArcGIS AGOL Business Case Customer needs to create a map quickly and their data is non sensitive and will be accessible via intranet or on the Internet. Portal for ArcGIS Business Case Customer needs to share a map with internal DWR staff, their data is sensitive, and is prohibited from being stored on servers offsite (e.g., ESRI Cloud).
Contact Information Regarding AGOL and Portal for ArcGIS Ruppert Grauberger Grauberger, DWR Application & Architecture Subcommittee Danny Luong Luong, CNRA/DWR Enterprise Geographic Information Services Unit