Aboriginal’s played soccer with cocoanuts and wooden balls. Now we use rubber balls for soccer and NFL and more.
Games brought communities together. Like wrestling games jumping games hide and seek spin the ball on the top and traditional dancing and many more games like this brought different communities of aboriginals together. Other games that aboriginal play are rabbit hunting.
Roller skates was made in 1760s it is a good Way for getting to work and school it is better then walking to every place you need to go. And if you are in a forest are not useful but you still use them.
Tennis started 1910s. it’s a good for use for health and keeping fit its a for worldwide sport for most countries tennis is one of the best sports in the world. Cool trophy
Video games are most common for children and teens. Video games started as game boys in1950s to x box or play station, nintendo and wiiu
Pokémon was invented in 1996 kids swap Pokémon cards at school. There are EX`S and mega EX ’s. Uno was made 1964 most kids like it because it is awesome.
Cricket is a popular for all ages and started in need protective gear. Including helmets pads and more.