Personal Finance Unit: Real World Project
(Description) (Picture)
Salary / Requirements Median Salary $________/yr Requirements (Picture)
THE COMMUNITY (Community Statistics) 1. 2. 3. (Picture)
(APARTMENT OR HOUSE) (Description) Rent or Mortgage: $________ ___________________ (Picture)
(TYPE OF CAR) Used or New cost $______ Car payment $ _______ (Description)
INCOME Gross Income (Salary) $_________ per year Net Income (After Taxes) $________ per year Monthly Net Income $_________ per month EXPENSES Fixed Expenses (make a list) 1. 2. 3. Variable Expenses (make a list) 1. 2. 3.
INCOMEEXPENSE Monthly Net Income$__________ Rent/Mortgage$_________ Utilities$______ Cable/Internet/Phone$______ Student Loans$______ Car Payments$______ Fuel/Repairs/Insurance$______ Health & Style$______ Vacation/Gifts$______ Groceries$______ Fun$______ TOTAL BALANCE$_________$__________