Best Practices of Nutrition Professionals NuVal ® Nutrition Scoring System May 2012
Nutrition Professionals Directly Impact Consumer Adoption of the NuVal® System Reach consumers with NuVal messaging before they enter store, while they’re in the store, and/or after they leave store Educate on the NuVal System as part of overall retailer nutrition education programs Dietitians are a credible voice on nutrition, and are trusted by consumers
Best Practices by Nutrition Professionals In Store Store tours Educational Classes Partnerships with Pharmacy Departments Influence merchandise displays Educational materials and brochures In-store demos NuVal Educational Displays Voice of NuVal™ for employees and consumers Out of Store Outreach to health professionals and key opinion leaders Leveraging community organizations Website presence Television and radio spots with local media Field experiences for dietetic students Scientific research on the NuVal System
Best Practices by Nutrition Professionals In Store Store tours Educational Classes Partnerships with Pharmacy Departments Influence merchandise displays Educational materials and brochures In-store demos NuVal Educational Displays Voice of NuVal for employees and consumers “I measure effectiveness by speaking to customers. I have had MANY customers report that they were not loyal Hy-Vee shoppers until I explained NuVal to them. Now Hy-Vee is the only place they shop.” -- Hy-Vee Dietitian.
Retail Nutrition Professionals: 2010 Consumer Reach with NuVal® Messaging *Data extrapolated to total number of RDs per retail chain. These events provide a high quality, in-depth experience with the NuVal System.
Store Tours Supermarket tours provide an ideal setting for nutrition education with impact, giving consumers direct experience with the NuVal system. Tours can be customized for specific audiences (kids, Empty Nesters, etc) or offered as a VIP Night for media, government officials and key thought influencers.
Education Classes The Meijer Healthy Living team of dietitians developed this “NuVal Meal Makeover Challenge” for use in classes and with store shoppers.
Partnerships with Pharmacy Departments At Price Chopper, the Nutrition and Pharmacy departments partner to develop comprehensive education programs – which include the NuVal System – for patients with diabetes. Nutrition professionals successfully tailor the NuVal message to the consumer audience – whether it’s those interested in overall wellness or those with a specific chronic disease. Dietitians are involved with training Pharmacists on NuVal, bringing this consumer-friendly tool to another part of the retail store and reaching those highly interested in building healthier eating habits.
Merchandise Displays Registered dietitians often partner with merchants and category managers to suggest high NuVal scoring products and develop nutrition messaging for promotions and endcap displays.
Educational Materials and Brochures Nutrition professionals develop, author and contribute to in-store education materials, refining the message for the intended audience. Shown here are ingredient trade-ups in recipes to higher NuVal™ scoring products. Other tools include brochures for shoppers with health conditions, educating on how the NuVal™ System can help them shop for foods that meet their specific needs as well as brochures targeted at kids.
Educational Materials and Brochures
In-store Demos Providing consumers the option to taste more nutritious foods with high NuVal Scores can dispel the myth that tasty and healthy can’t go together. Posting NuVal Scores for all sampling items increases consumer adoption of the system.
NuVal® Educational Displays In-store education displays are interruptive, drawing consumers over to learn more about NuVal.
Nutrition professionals frequently assist with NuVal training for store employees. Dietitians have the nutrition expertise and depth of knowledge on NuVal scoring to answer consumer and employee questions. Dietitians directly educate shoppers, as shown in the example on the left. Nutrition Professionals are the Voice of NuVal® for Employees and Shoppers
Dietitians are the Voice of NuVal® for Employees and Shoppers
Best Practices by Nutrition Professionals Out of Store Outreach to health professionals and key opinion leaders Leveraging community organizations Website presence Television and radio spots with local media Field experiences for dietetic students Scientific research on the NuVal System
Retail Nutrition Professionals: 2010 Reach with NuVal® Messaging *Data extrapolated to total number of RDs per retail chain. Outreach to key influencers creates a train-the-trainer model, with an opportunity to reach many consumers per key influencer educated on the NuVal™ System.
Outreach to Health Professionals and key Influencers Highlighted on Right: Please accept our invitation to attend an exciting evening program co-sponsored by HVDA and Price Chopper Supermarkets designed to showcase and update dietitians and diabetes educators on recent community efforts to provide diabetes resources and education to consumers.
Outreach to Health Professionals and key Influencers The Meijer Healthy Living team of dietitians gained visibility for NuVal™ with health professionals at the Ohio State Dietetic Association. Above, Janine Faber, MEd, RD, LD conducts a breakout session on the NuVal™ system. At left, Meijer featured the NuVal™ system in their exhibit space, where Tina Miller, MS, RD, explains the system to a colleague.
Field Experiences for Students Dietitians have found partnering with dietetic, nutrition and fitness programs at local colleges and universities to be a win-win – students gain practical experience while the retailer has additional resources available to educate on NuVal™ both inside and outside the store.
Scientific Research on NuVal Beginning in the Fall of 2010, Hy- Vee dietitians in Iowa City, IA will participate in a study on the NuVal System being conducted by the University of Iowa. The study will examine the use of the NuVal System by an older adult population over the next three years. Tyra Carter, PhD, RD at United Texas has partnered with a research team at Texas Tech University to submit two grants. Both are related to prevention/treatment of childhood obesity and utilize the NuVal System for education in rural grocery stores.
Retail Nutrition Professionals: 2010 Consumer Reach with NuVal® Messaging *Data extrapolated to total number of RDs per retail chain. These events include either in-depth education on the NuVal System or shorter game-driven encounters with the scores.
Leveraging Consumer Organizations Nutrition professionals are participating in community events – such as the Women’s Expos displayed here -- and driving traffic to retail stores through education on the NuVal® System. Other examples of community partnerships are NuVal education in schools, classes held at YMCAs and weight loss groups, and outreach through fitness organizations.
Leveraging Consumer Organizations A nutrition student helps a child spin the NuVal® Roulette Wheel (match the score you land on to the food) at a PBS Kids Club event in Michigan. Shari Steinbach, MS, RD from Meijer partners with the YMCA to educate their clients on the NuVal System.
Leveraging Consumer Organizations Hy-Vee Dietitians in Sioux City, IA provide nutrition education based on the NuVal System to first and second graders in the local schools. In addition to the lessons, each class is given the poster pictured here as well as NuVal brochures. Schools provide the perfect opportunity to engage the entire family with the NuVal System.
Leveraging Consumer Organizations United Texas RDs have developed a NuVal display which they use at a variety of local health fairs and events. In appreciation of her work educating elementary school students on the NuVal System, Stephanie Walker, RD from Skogen’s Festival Foods received the following thank you note, which is proudly displayed at their corporate offices.
Leveraging Consumer Organizations Ellie Wilson, MS, RD, from Price Chopper has successfully partnered with Cornell University Cooperative Extension.
Retail Nutrition Professionals: 2010 Consumer Reach with NuVal® Messaging Television Spots including NuVal messaging, which are not included in this data, reach 32,642,090 consumers annually! *Data extrapolated to total number of RDs per retail chain.
Website Presence Every month on the United Supermarkets website, their registered dietitians provide insight and news on NuVal scores in a food category. Leveraging RD’s expertise in nutrition education and the NuVal System online positions retailers as concerned about their shoppers and knowledgeable about key health issues.
Website Presence Blogs written by nutrition professionals position the grocery retailer as interested in offering health solutions to their shoppers. Embedded within a retailer’s website, RD blogs offer expert insight on NuVal®. Launched as an independent website, RD blogs can attract new shoppers and direct them to a retailer’s website.
Each week, Big Y’s Carrie Taylor, RD, LDN provides tips on ways to live well and eat smart during abc40 newscasts. Television and Radio Spots with Local Media As a part of their company’s launch, Jessica Gourley, RD for Food City, walks a reporter through the store and explains the NuVal™ System.
Common Themes for Reaching Customers with the NuVal® Message For Nutrition Professionals – Integrate the NuVal System into existing consumer education programs. – Establish internal partnerships to increase NuVal™ presence throughout the store experience. – Leverage key influencers and health professionals and organizations within key markets. – Leverage nutrition expertise with key media outlets – in store, within community and online.
Retail Nutrition Professionals: 2010 Consumer Reach with NuVal® Messaging In Store Activities Community Events Key Influencer Outreach Media Reach 315, ,423 30,912 38,984,048 39,750,283 Based on the population in states with current retail partners, 24.7% of consumers have been reached with NuVal™ messaging from a health professional.