General Information about Turkish Education System Official Language: Turkish Alphabet: Latin Alphabet Academic Year: September through June Duration of Schooling: Compulsory Schooling: 12 years (ages 6-17)
General Information about Turkish Education System Number of SchoolsAbout Number of Students (formal Education)17.2 Million Number of Teachers
Turkish National Education System has two main parts: Formal Education Non-formal Education
Formal Education Formal education includes: pre-primary primary school lower secondary school, upper secondary higher education institutions(Universities)
Pre-Primary Schools involves the education of children in the age group of 3 to 5 who have not reached the age of compulsory primary education They are optional Their objective is to ensure that children develop physically, mentally and emotionally and ready for Primary Education
Primary education
Primary Schools primary school age group is 6 to 9. It’s compulsory. Primary Education is free all state schools. Foreign Language lessons will start at 2nd grade with new law (Previously it was at 4th grade) Students have 3 hours of English lesson in a week
Primary Schools The purpose of primary education is to ensure that every child : acquires the basic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and habits to become a good citizen, is raised in line with the national moral concepts and is prepared for life and for the next education level parallel to his/her interests and skills.
Lower Secondary Schools
Lower Secondary Schools(Elementary) Lower Secondary school age group is 10 to 13. It’s compulsory. Lower Secondary Education is free all state schools. Students have 4 hours of English lesson in a week
Secondary Education
Secondary Schools (High Schools) Secondary Schools age group is With a new Law in 2012, four years of Secondary school is also compulsory today. Secondary Education is free all state schools. Students have to take two general exams shortly called YGS-LYS to enroll a University. Every year about 2 million students attend these exams and 630,000 students get a chance to enroll any faculty, four or two-year college according to their points. So this exam is very important for every student.
Secondary Education There are 5 main types of high-schools in Turkey. Public High-Schools Anatolian High-Schools Science High-Schools Vocational High-Schools Military High Schools
Our School is… A Public High School. 4-year-education Minimum number of lessons in a week 30. Maximum number of students in a class is 30 We have 3 hours of English lesson at 9th grade and 2 hours at other grades
Main Lessons at High School Maths Physics Chemistry Geometry Biology Turkish Language and Literature History Geography Foreign Language (English)
Secondary Schools The purpose of secondary education is: to give students a minimum common culture, to identify individual and social problems, to search for solutions, and to prepare the students for higher education, for profession, for life and for business in line with their interests and skills.
Higher Education (Universities) University Education is mostly 4 years But, Faculty of Medicine is 6 years Vocational Education is 2 years Students apply Universities with their YGS-LYS Exam Grades (University Entrance Exams) University number in Turkey: 173 State University number: 107 Foundation (Private) University number: 66
Most Popular 5 Departments at Universities 1. Faculty of Law 2. Faculty of Medicine 3.Preschool Teaching 4.Faculty of Engineering 5. Psychological counseling and guidance
University Education Faculty of Education is very popular.Many students want to be teacher. At the end of University education, students should enter another exam called KPSS to work for government. Government give scholarship for thousands of students who have economic difficulties.
University Education Main Aims : 1. Train students according to our country’s science policies and the need for labor in higher and various levels of the society 2. Providing scientific training at various levels, 3. Doing research exploring sciences in further detail in order to finding solutions to scientific, technical and cultural problems especially to ones related to our country
FACTS about Turkish Education System Compulsory education starts at the age of 6. A lesson duration is 40 or 45 minutes. Course books are given for free for every student. Every student will have a tablet pc and each classroom have a smart board in a few years with Fatih Project School Uniform is compulsory until the end of high school but with new regulation it won’t be compulsory next year.