Рresentation Sergei Pavlovich Koroliov
Sergei Pavlovich Koroliov Academic V.Kotelnykov described the role of chief designer: "If Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the founder of the theory of space flight, Sergei Koroliov laid the foundation of practical astronautics."
Museum of cosmonautics of Sergei Koroliov in Zhytomyr
S.P. Koroliov Born on January 12, 1907 in Zhitomir in the family of Byelarussian school teacher Paul Yakovlevich Koroliov and Ukrainian merchant's daughter Maria Nikolayevna.
And Sergei became a member of the newly organized Society of Aviation and Aeronautics of Ukraine and Crimea (TAPUK), he studied the theory and practice of aircraft designing. Knowledge of gliding he drew mainly from books. Due to his stepfather, his German was fluent so he was able to read them in the original and read about three dozens.
Since autumn 1924 Sergei Koroliov was a student of mechanical department of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute that attracted its first renowned teaching staff. It’s an interesting fact that Igor Sikorsky studied there too. The faculty planned to start training of aviation engineers.
Years of study in MVTU Sergei Koroliov combined with the work in the factories of the aviation industry. With simple equipment, he quickly rose to the design engineer, tester of the first new cruise machines.
The first artificial Earth satellite Postage stamps issued in 1966
And so - to his last day. Sergei Koroliov died on the 14th of January 1966 before the age of 60 years. His ashes were buried in Moscow, in the Kremlin wall. Monument to Sergey Pavlovich Koroliov in Baikonur
Museum of cosmonautics of Sergei Pavlovich Koroliov
Monument to S.P. Koroliov in Zhytomyr