Trendingdig specializing in the provision of services promote the work of organizations and companies to take advantage of the power of social networking and new media and online services by innovative ideas, in order to achieve its objectives. The company has multiple experiences in several areas of information technology and communications, Social Media Marketing, E-marketing, Digital Events Management, media production, Online advertising content design and Social Media consultation and Training.
Mission : To empower companies to easily and affordably create, manage and analyze their own marketing campaigns. Vision : To be the best communications Agency by using our insights, experience, ex-pertise, creativity, environment knowledge and business sense to increase our clients' profits in a sustainable way.
Trendingdig Services Social Media Services. marketing. Search Engine Optimization. Content Creation. Creative Design. Smart Phone Applications. Web Design & Development.
Trendingdig Social Media Services Social Media Analysis & Consulting Social Media Strategy Development & Management Social Media Account Creation Social Media Marketing Campaigns
Trendingdig marketing Create & Send marketing campaigns or newsletters in a professional manner. Staying in touch with your customers & build strong relationships. Tracking capabilities (follow-up & analyze the results). Suitable for all business. Measure Marketing ROI.
Search Engine Optimization Research and choose your keyword focus. Create a list of websites for links. Improve search results in search engine. Increase traffic on your website. Helps your site visitors to find you and increase exposure & conversion.
Trendingdig Content Creation Multi-channel content across a range of online platforms Text, Picture, Video, Audio, Articles, slide presentations, info-graphics & more. Development & preparation content in both Arabic & English. Possibility translation content into 12 languages by specialists editors. Control what is published news for the customer, provide client with a periodical report. Online Press Release Distribution.
Trendingdig Creative Design Creative design solution for every business. Advertising & marketing campaigns. Electronic magazines & virtual catalogs. Branding consulting & logos design.
Trendingdig Smartphone Applications Creative idea design of smartphone applications. Development applications for (i-Phone, i-Pad, Android, BlackBerry & Windows Phone). Different categories of smartphone apps (services, entertainment, educational & more).
O UR CLIENTS عم بلبل
M EDIA P ARTNER ch2013/others-about.html
O NLINE ADVERTISING Facebook management and Ads Campaign : Moderating your facebook page, Posting frequency, Monitoring/responding, Contents promotional (event updates, news, blog posts, photos, questions) Increasing number of fans (Organic and paid ) We targeting your Social Media campaigns is about people, and their relationships and also For (Buzz, Awareness – gaining loyalty,Feedbacks,etc) Twitter: Grow follower base Tweeting frequency (Moderating ) Monitoring/responding frequency promotional Strategies.
O NLINE ADVERTISING YouTube: Are you looking for someone to help you create and upload videos to Youtube ? Increase traffic to your site so that you get more sales. Gain organic and paid views. More targeted traffic to (website, social media channels, landing page,etc) Designing your own Campaign.
Reach your Prospects Unleash your BRAND Online advertising Facebook ads Social Media is about people, and their relationships Skype No marketing or advertising is more interesting to people than their friends.
F ACEBOOK ADS Advertising in the news feed: CONNECT with more people more effectively online and on mobile. ENGAGE people at the center of their Facebook experience. INFLUENCE customers to drive your brand and business results
Your BRAND is at the center of the Skype experience
M OBILE A PPS Social App Dictionary iPhone app
SMO (S OCIAL M EDIA O PTIMIZATION ) Build your online assets and integrated social media campaigns: Helping brands establish their social presences and offer the best opportunities of interaction. Social Media Management. Viral Content Development. Social Media consultancy. CRM. Customer service. Promotions. Sales. Brand engagement.
SEM & PPC Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of internet marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages through use of Pay Per Click campaigns (PPC). We prepare successful sponsored links campaigns, professional creation, implementation and management. We are flexible; we can manage PPC campaigns in various search engines. Our aim is to improve image, increase sales and ROI. The campaigns can be integrated with other SEM services. Website Ads. Facebook Ads.
M EASURING YOUR ONLINE A DVERTISING : We Measure and keep you updated 24/7 Measuring and tracking growth & engagement of social media accounts and Web traffic from those initiatives. Then we track metrics to determine the growth of your various social media channels, Website,Landing pages,blogs such as: Unique Facebook page views. Twitter followers. Unique website visitors and blog views. LinkedIn group members. Google PLUS. Youtube video views. Traffic generated by SEO. Leads by source (Website, landing pages, Webinars data base, hangouts, marketing).
E VENT M ANAGEMENT > Our Services You can rely on us to manage end-to-end logistics for your event. Our responsibilities will include: Event Plan Management – maintaining a task plan that thoroughly details all event milestones. Event Budget Management – managing a central event budget and recording all relevant event expenses. Speaker Management – managing speaker contracts, ensuring timely delivery of speaker topics and presentations and coordinating any travel or lodging for out-of-town presenters. Vendor Management – photographers and others, as needed. Premium Management – researching and procuring giveaways for your event – including attendee gifts and drawing prizes, if desired. Pre-Event Registration – accepting attendee registrations online, via or via phone and sending confirmations to each registered attendee. Attendee Evaluations – disseminating a post-event attendee survey and analyzing results to provide you feedback on the event. Post-Event Analysis – delivering a post-event report detailing event performance against goals to help prepare for your next event.
Contact details : Egypt Office 3 Massr and El Tameer Buildings. Zahraa El Maadi Office Number: – Enas Sharaf : Thanks