Mosquito Repellent Chigger Mite Repellent (Prevention of Tsutsugamushi disease )


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Presentation transcript:

Mosquito Repellent Chigger Mite Repellent (Prevention of Tsutsugamushi disease )

Common Name Icaridin, Picaridine, KBR3023 Chemical Name hydroxyethyl isobutyl piperidine carboxylate CAS No Usage Broad Spectrum Insect Repellent Property None color, odor (Purity : over 97%) History Icaridin has been reported to be as effective as DEET without the irritation associated with DEET. According to the WHO, icaridin “demonstrates excellent repellent properties comparable to, and often superior to, those of the standard DEET.” In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using repellents based on icaridin, DEET, or oil of lemon eucalyptus for effective protection against mosquitoes that carry the West Nile virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis and other illnesses. Unlike DEET, icaridin does not dissolve plastics. Picaridin, first used in Europe in 2001, has been reported to be effective by Consumer Reports (7% solution) and the Australian Army (20% solution). Consumer Reports retests in 2006 gave as result that a 7% solution of picaridin offered little or no protection against Aedes mosquitoes (vector of dengue fever) and a protection time of about 2.5 hours against Culex (vector of West Nile virus), while a 15% solution was good for about one hour against Aedes and 4.8 hours against Culex. Natrapel 8 hour is a 20% based picaridin repellent that claims to be effective for 8 hours. About Icaridin….

About Mosquito… Mosquito 1. DEET (Diethyltoluamide) The best widely used compound BUT Unpleasant odor, skin stimulator, affecter to central nerve system US EPA -“DEET may cause partly eruption, swelling, itching, and eye stimulation -“Especially because products containing high concentration of DEET have an side effect to children, EPA prohibits that a product containing DEET express a word or phrase such as safety to children - above 200 million peoples use it worldwide, and more than 38% ones among USA populations still use annually a repellent product containing DEET - there are a variety of products such as liquid, lotion, cream, gel, and aerosol goods containing 5~100% of DEET (more than 230 products have been registered to US EPA) - the higher DEET concentration shows better repellency. In laboratory test, 50% of DEET showed repellent durance for 4 hours Journal of The American Mosquito Control Association (1998) -“DEET may cause central nervous system depression, urticaria, contact dermatitis,potential encephalopathic toxicity and rarely, death - Damage to cetain plastics and synthetic rubber -“Causing material of Gulf War syndrome due to brain injury” Characteristic : Any winged insect of the family Culicidae, order Diptera, and there are about 1,500 species worldwide and 47 species in Korea alone. The most well-known human biting mosquitoes are the genera of Anophenles, Culex, and Aedes genera Host seeking : females recognize and are attracted to hosts by body heat, exhaled carbon dioxide and other complex physiological processes. They can fly at 1 to 1.5 miles per hour and have been known to travel 75 to 100 miles Biting amount : females suck approximately 1-5 mg of blood at one time, and they rest at a safe hiding site after they feed 5-10 mg of blood, about 2-3 times of their body weight Wing frequency : the frequency of mosquitoes wing is about 250 ~300 times per second, and the values of their wing frequency are different in species or genera. This value mainly range from 250 to 1000 Hz

About Mosquito… - weak mosquito repellency by a fragrance and compounds such as diisopropyl adipate and benzophenone contained in the product was proved - its repellency was lasted for about 30 minutes in a laboratory test, and the efficacy was 10 times less than a product containing 12.5% DEET 3. Natural mosquito repellents - Citronella or geranium oil has been widely used and a few goods containing plant essential oils such as eucalyptus are releasing into mosquito market Eucalyptus - however, the barrier of these products is that their repellency is under 2 hours 2. Skin-So-Soft 4. Permethrin - NIEHS, MHLW : Endocrine Disruptors (Eds) - WWF, EPA : environmental hormone - EU : TOXIC

About Chigger Mite… Chigger Mite Life Cycle : The length of the mite's cycle depends on species and environment, but normally last two to 12 months (but may be longer). The number of cycles in a year depends on the region. For example, in a temperate region, there might only be three a year, but in tropical regions, the cycle might be continuous all year long. Adult harvest mites overwinter in protected places such as slightly below the soil. Females become active in the spring, and once the ground temperature is regularly above 60 °F (16 °C), she lays eggs, up to 15 eggs per day in vegetation when soil temperatures are 60 °F (16 °C). The eggs are round in shape. The eggs are dormant for about six days, after which the nonfeeding prelarvae emerge, with only three pairs of legs. After about six days, the prelarva grows into its larval stage. Tsutsugamushi disease : Tsutsugamushi disease is an infectious disease caused by Orienta tsutsugamushi. It occurs frequently to the people in outdoor activities. And it occurs more frequently female than man in the spring and fall. 1. Symptom - Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, cough, and gastrointestinal symptoms. - Chigger bites on human skin

About Chigger Mite… - There are currently no preventative vaccines available in the world. - Delayed detection and treatment of disease, children or the elderly and frequently death. - The only best way is prevention. 2. Vaccine 3. Occurrence in Korea Male Female Patient Sexual Ratio Big City Medium-sized Rural Area City Patient Occur of Area over 70 Patient Type of Age

Change of Consumer’s Trend… Adverse Effect DEET, Permethrin Regulation Loss of Purchasing Power Natural Repellent Lavender oil, Eucalyptus oil Low Efficacy Discomfort (Odor, Staning) Safe and Effective ICARIDIN Recommendation of WHO, USA CDC, ECDC etc. Strong Effective Safe (No adverse effect) Comfort

Characteristic of DEPENS Bugs Spray  WHO ; World Health Organization  USA CDC ; Center for Disease Control and Prevention  ECDC ; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control  Australia ; Queensland Government Queensland Health  Germany ; Consumer Organization “Stiftung Warentest”  Switzerland ;Swiss Tropical Institute  Scottland ; Advanced Pest Solutions at the Univ. of Edinburgh’s Biospace Incubator facility Who recommends …

Characteristic of DEPENS Bugs Spray  Qusai-Product Certificated by Korea Food and Drug Administration  Usage 1 : Mosquito Repellent  Usage 2 : Chigger Mite and House Dust Mite Repellent  Excellent Repellency and Long Lasting Time “Germany Consumer’s Report : 7% Icaridin have the same repellency with 10% DEET product "  Low penetration potential (DEET absorbed into the skin maximum 70%)  Safe for sensitive skin, there is no limit to age, use Qusai Product Certificated by KFDA  No DEET, No Permethrin contained  No Adverse Effects on Human Health and the Environment  No allegy NO DEET !! NO PERMETHRIN !! NO DEET NO PERMETHRIN

Characteristic of DEPENS Bugs Spray  From Spring to Fall using  The One Product have 2 Functions. - Spring, Fall : Chigger mite and Mosquito Repellent - Summer : Mosquito Repellent  No need to purchase separately, the Cost Savings  Use Indoor and Outdoor at the Same Time Seasons Using  No Sticky, No Unpleasant Odor, No Staining on Fabric  No affect to the Frames, such as plastic products (DEET have to effect to plastic)  Camping, Climbing, Fishing, Picnic, Soldier, Farmer, Sport, etc. Easy to Carry

Summary of Product TypePump Spray FunctionMosquito, Chigger Mite Repellent A.I.Icaridin CertificationQusai-Product, Korea Food and Drug Administration Usage Mosquito Repellent - Spray on exposed skin (body, neck, arms, legs, etc.) Chigger Mite - Apply to non-exposed areas if clothing is in contact with skin surface (such as socks, jeans, and t-shirts) Volume150 ml, 110ml, 50 ml Package50ea / ct Expiration Date3 years after manufacturing date RemarkPublic Procurement Product