Please do not talk at this timeSept 24/25 HW: WWII Leader 1 Paragraph Essay Due Tuesday. Please get your Stalingrad DBQ Question Sheet (Pg. 28A/B) to be checked off. I will collect this a week from today on the day of the WWII test
Get a paper on general MacArthur- Pg 29A/B. At the top, brainstorm some qualities of a great leader might have (intelligent, bold, trustworthy, etc) Then read the paper. Underline facts and details that would provide evidence that General MacArthur WAS a great leader. Circle facts and details that would prove he was NOT a great leader. You can Highlight instead if you prefer…. MacArthur Bio
What ARE some qualities of a great leader? Look at your MacArthur Bio that you read and highlighted last night. What does GREAT mean? How is Great different than effective, successful or important? Put some characteristics from your MacArthur paper on the board. Qualities:
What ARE some qualities of a great leader? What does GREAT mean? How is Great different than effective, successful or important? Put some characteristics from your MacArthur paper on the board. Qualities:
IntelligentIndependentSuccessful High Academic scores at West Point Worked to modernize US army Abandoned the Philippines and left his men behind Returned to the Philippines Ultimately beat Japan in the Pacific Rebuilt Japan and helped them write a new constitution Defied his Commander in Chief Said, “I will Return!” Issued his own policy statements about Korean War Became a 5 star general Recaptured many islands from the Japanese New Guinea Started reforms in Japan Land reform Political Reform Here are three characteristics of a great leader and some data from the reading… Match the characteristic with the evidence for each one. You won’t use all of them. Was fired for insisting on nuking China
IntelligentIndependentSuccessful High Academic scores at West Point Worked to modernize US army Abandoned the Philippines and left his men behind Returned to the Philippines Ultimately beat Japan in the Pacific Rebuilt Japan and helped them write a new constitution Defied his Commander in Chief Said, “I will Return!” Issued his own policy statements about Korean War Became a 5 star general Recaptured many islands from the Japanese New Guinea Started reforms in Japan Land reform Political Reform Was fired for insisting on nuking China
Notebook Pg. 29B Writing great Thesis Statements- Three Levels of Thesis Statements There are three levels of thesis statements. Level one- restate the prompt as a statement. Prompt: Was MacArthur a great leader? Level 1: MacArthur was a great leader. Level two- restate the prompt as a statement but include the word “because” and say why. Level 2: MacArthur was a great leader because _________________ _______________________________________________________ _ Level 2 thesis statements are so useful because the three things you include after your “because” as the answer to your “why” become the three body sections of our essay or outline. This kind of thesis gives you a clear road map for where the essay and your reasoning are going. Write your Thesis now…. Once you have your Evidence, it is time to write your thesis statement. It is actually easier to do this once you know what you are going to say and what you have evidence for. Thesis Example: MacArthur was a great leader because he was intelligent.
Ultimate Thesis of Ultimate Destiny… Level three- rephrase the prompt in a new way and include your own philosophy when you address the “why” aspect of your answer. Level 3: Greatness in leadership comes from serving ones own people and improving their lives. MacArthur used his intelligence to get the American people through their darkest hours during WWII.
What makes a Thesis a Level Three Thesis? Level three- rephrase the prompt in a new way and include your own philosophy when you address the “why” aspect of your answer. Many of you asked how you know you have included your own philosophy, in order to get a Level 3 thesis statement and I was not able to articulate it, but after school I asked the head of the English Department and this is what she said: “Level three thesis statements include three pieces of evidence to prove the thesis statement, just like a typical Level 2. However, in a level 3 thesis, there is a deeper, underlining (below the surface) connection between the three pieces of evidence.
State Quality: Evidence 1: Detail/Specific: Evidence 2: (optional) Detail Specific: (optional) Explanation/ Commentary of how Evidence proves he had/did not have quality Any paper without clear explanations will be returned un- graded. Do this part carefully! Concluding Sentence: Essay Practice- Pg 28B Thesis: MacArthur was a great leader because he was intelligent Fill In this chart now….
Paragraph Example: MacArthur was a great leader because he was intelligent. He earned some of the highest academic scores ever recorded at West Point Academy. He rebuilt Japan and helped write their constitution. The Japanese still use this Constitution today. He started important reforms. He started land reform. He started political reforms. He secured voting rights for women in the new democracy…. Commentary/Explanation... Great! You only have one more piece to add... the Explanation. This piece is Vital in any essay outline or essay. This is where you say HOW your evidence proves your claim. Our Claim is that MacArthur was intelligent. Our evidence is below that. Now say how the evidence proves he was intelligent. Write your own Explanation now…. Claim Evidence Detail
Paragraph Example: MacArthur was a great leader because he was intelligent. He earned some of the highest academic scores ever recorded at West Point Academy. He rebuilt Japan and helped write their constitution. The Japanese still use this Constitution today. He started important reforms. He started land reform. He started political reforms. He secured voting writes for women in the new democracy. West Point Academy is one of the most difficult schools in America. MacArthur could only have done well there if he was intelligent. Japan faced many problems after WWII, but MacArthur was able to make the correct decisions to rebuild Japan’s government into one that has allowed Japan to succeed to the current time. MacArthur was even wise enough to recognize the importance of giving women a voice in government as well as other reforms. The fact that he thought of all of Japan’s people is further evidence of his intelligence. Claim Evidence Detail Explanation
Pg. 30A WWII Leader Mini Essay Now you will repeat this process on your own with a leader of WWII. You will use an outline to prove that your leader Was or Was Not a Great leader. You MUST choose one. Lets review the assignment to see exactly what you need to do for each grade. No More than 1 page double spaced and typed.
Who should you do? You have 4 choices: Stalin- Russia Churchill- England FDR- USA De Gaulle- France Reading level gets harder You will need to print your own WWII Leader Biography. They are all in a file called WWIILeadersAll on the Calendar for today. I have a few copies of each for people who can’t print their own or use the library to print. Just see me after class.
How are social studies writing assignments different than English Writing Assignments? Social Studies assignments don’t EVER use “I” or “you” or “we”, so don’t write “I think that…” Instead just say what you think as a claim. Social Studies assignments always use Formal Language so avoid slang, or words like “stuff”, “hella”, “sucked” and so on. Find formal words to say the same things. No Rhetorical Questions! You don’t need a Hook! No Filler! Just get to the point.