By: Gabrielle D’Adamo
The Holy Empire ∙In 936, Duke Otto I of Saxony took the title King of Germany. ∙Otto I worked closely with the church ∙In 962, a grateful pope crowned Otto emperor. ∙German emperors claimed authority over much of central and eastern Europe as well as parts of France and Italy. ∙Pope Gregory VII was determined to make the church independent of secular rulers. ∙Only the pope, said Gregory had the right to appoint and install bishop in office.
Emperor Henry VII ∙Pope Gregory’s ban brought an angry response from the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. ∙German Princes saw a chance to undermine Henry by supporting the pope. ∙In 1076, Gregory excommunicated Henry feeling his struggles from their alliance to the emperor. ∙Concordat of Worms ∙The struggle over investiture dragged on for almost 50 years ∙Finally, in 1122, both sides accepted a treaty known as the Concordat of Worms.
The Struggle for Italy. ∙Frederick Barbarossa ∙Called Barbarossa or “Red Beard” dreamed of building an empire from the Baltic to the Adriatic. ∙For years, he fought to bring the wealthy cities of northern Italy under his control. ∙Frederick II ∙The child of Henry and Constance, Frederick II Was raised in southern Italy. ∙He tried but failed to subdue he cities of northern Italy.
Effects on Germany and Italy ∙While Frederick was embroiled in Italy, German nobles grew more independent. ∙ Unlike France and Germany would not achieve unity for another 600 years. ∙The Height of Church Power ∙Pope Innocent III, who took office in 1198, embodied the triumph of the church. Innocent clashed with all the powerful rulers of his day. ∙In 1209, Innocent, aided by Philip II, launched a brutal crusade against the Albigensians in southern France. ∙Innocent’s death, popes continued to press their claim to supremacy.