propaganda, a term used commonly to describe deceptive persuasive techniques. Historically, however, true propaganda hasn't been full of outright lies or deception, as many people believe. Rather, it's the statement of facts and beliefs with the intention of influencing a particular audience, trademarked by the omission of any details that might persuade the audience to the other side
Propaganda Derived from the Latin word propagare, which means “to propagate” or “to sow,” propaganda as we now use the word is traced to the 1622 Vatican-created committee of Caridnal, Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, whose aim was to spread Faith.
Propaganda works by tapping into emotions through images, slogans and a selective use of the facts -- or control and censorship of the facts, especially if propaganda is being utilized by a government that is controlling the media by censorship or owns the media outright
Propaganda based on fear is designed to scare people into choosing sides. Often, worst-case scenarios are presented of horrible things to come if a particular action isn't taken.fear
Why does propaganda work? Propaganda is designed to manipulate. Talented propagandists know what makes people tick and how to use that to persuade them. Below are a few reasons why we are susceptible to propaganda’s persuasive magic.
How to deal with propaganda Stop believing things unquestioningly. Just because it appears in your Facebook feed or was covered on the news, doesn’t make it true. Stop, question, and think.
How to deal with propaganda Identify the aim of the message. Did it make you feel a certain way? Is the message encouraging you to do or think something – if yes, what? Don't you feel manipulated?
How to deal with propaganda What is the source of the message? What do you know about them? Find out more. Who are they? What do they stand for? Who funds them? What is their aim?
How to deal with propaganda List the arguments made through the message – can you think of any counter arguments? How much do you really know about the subject? Go learn more – from multiple sources. Fact check for accuracy.
How to deal with propaganda Listen to opposing views. Just because you think you are right, doesn’t make it so. Read the perspective from the other side, and try to suspend your ingrained views while doing it.