Post-Classical TRIVIA. Round 1 Terms Round1, Question 1 A series medieval military expedition made by Europeans to reclaim the Holy land from the Muslims.


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Presentation transcript:

Post-Classical TRIVIA

Round 1 Terms

Round1, Question 1 A series medieval military expedition made by Europeans to reclaim the Holy land from the Muslims during the 11 th, 12 th, & 13 th Centuries

Round1, Question 2 Area containing an Islamic steward

Round1, Question 3 Title for a sovereign or military ruler (Mongolic)

Round1, Question 4 The religious legal system governing the members of the Islamic faith

Round1, Question 5 Title of certain rulers who claimed almost full sovereignty in practical terms, without claiming the overall caliphate OR To refer to a powerful governor of a province within the caliphate

Round 1 Answers Terms

Round1, Question 1 A series medieval military expedition made by Europeans to reclaim the Holy land from the Muslims during the 11 th, 12 th, & 13 th Centuries

Round1, Question 1 Crusade

Round1, Question 2 Area containing an Islamic steward

Round1, Question 2 Caliphate

Round1, Question 3 Title for a sovereign or military ruler (Mongolic)

Round1, Question 3 Khan

Round1, Question 4 The religious legal system governing the members of the Islamic faith

Round1, Question 4 Sharia

Round1, Question 5 Title of certain rulers who claimed almost full sovereignty in practical terms, without claiming the overall caliphate OR To refer to a powerful governor of a province within the caliphate

Round1, Question 5 Sultan

Round 2 People

Round 2, Question 1 Medieval Berber Muslim traveler & scholar, widely recognized as one of the greatest travelers of all time

Round 2, Question 2 Central figure & founder of Islam

Round 2, Question 3 14 th century emperor of the Mali Empire

Round 2, Question 4 Came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia and founded one of history’s most significant empires

Round 2, Question 5 5 th Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, also founded the Yuan dynasty in China

Round 2 Answers People

Round 2, Question 1 Medieval Berber Muslim traveler & scholar, widely recognized as one of the greatest travelers of all time

Round 2, Question 1 Ibn Battuta

Round 2, Question 2 Central figure & founder of Islam

Round 2, Question 2 Muhammad

Round 2, Question 3 14 th century emperor of the Mali Empire

Round 2, Question 3 Mansa Musa

Round 2, Question 4 Came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia and founded one of history’s most significant empires

Round 2, Question 4 Gengis (Chinggis) Khan

Round 2, Question 5 5 th Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, also founded the Yuan dynasty in China

Round 2, Question 5 Kublai Khan

Round 3 Key Concepts

Round 3, Question 1 Who is the dominate figure in Feudal Europe?

Round 3, Question 2 These people created the largest empire in the history of the planet.

Round 3, Question 3 As Islamic Arabs spread their dominance, they took on a great many _______ influences.

Round 3, Question 4 Name the Big Four Trade Routes.

Round 3, Question 5 True or False: The revolts during this era had major historical consequences.

Round 3, Question 6 The Mongol Khanate known as the Golden Horde was located where?

Round 3, Question 7 What led to the European Crusades?

Round 3, Question 8 The era of peace controlled by the Mongolian Empire is called what?

Round 3, Question 9 Two types of revolts occurred during this era, what were they?

Round 3, Question 10 The major Christian empire of the era, had an elaborate bureaucracy & and absolute emperor…

Round 3 Answers Key Concepts

Round 3, Question 1 Who is the dominate figure in Feudal Europe?

Round 3, Question 1 Charlemagne

Round 3, Question 2 These people created the largest empire in the history of the planet.

Round 3, Question 2 Mongols

Round 3, Question 3 As Islamic Arabs spread their dominance, they took on a great many _______ influences.

Round 3, Question 3 Persian

Round 3, Question 4 Name the Big Four Trade Routes.

Round 3, Question 4 Silk Road Trans-Saharan Mediterranean Indian Ocean

Round 3, Question 5 True or False: The revolts during this era had major historical consequences.

Round 3, Question 5 FALSE

Round 3, Question 6 The Mongol Khanate known as the Golden Horde was located where?

Round 3, Question 6 Russia/Eastern Europe

Round 3, Question 7 What led to the European Crusades?

Round 3, Question 7 Islamic Growth

Round 3, Question 8 The era of peace controlled by the Mongolian Empire is called what?

Round 3, Question 8 Pax Mongolia

Round 3, Question 9 Two types of revolts occurred during this era, what were they?

Round 3, Question 9 Religious Peasant

Round 3, Question 10 The major Christian empire of the era, had an elaborate bureaucracy & and absolute emperor…

Round 3, Question 10 Byzantine

Round 4 Wild Card

Round 4, Question 1 What century did Marco Polo travel?

Round 4, Question 2 In what century did the Han dynasty end?

Round 4, Question 3 Confucius, Buddah, Laozi were all alive during this century.

Round 4, Question 4 What year did the Ottomans defeat Constantinople?

Round 4, Question 5 Islam developed during what decade?

Round 4, Question 6 A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives

Round 4, Question 7 The Quant System spread from _____ to ______.

Round 4, Question 8 Name foundational civilizations (1 point for each one you name)

Round 4, Question 9 The high point of Muslim cultural achievement, considered the Golden Age of Islamic Culture, occurred during which dynasty?

Round 4, Question 10 Which of the American societies altered their environment most extensively?

Round 4 Answers Wild Card

Round 4, Question 1 What century did Marco Polo travel?

Round 4, Question s 13 th Century

Round 4, Question 2 In what century did the Han dynasty end?

Round 4, Question 2 200s CE

Round 4, Question 3 Confucius, Buddah, Laozi were all alive during this century.

Round 4, Question 3 500s BCE

Round 4, Question 4 What year did the Ottomans defeat Constantinople?

Round 4, Question

Round 4, Question 5 Islam developed during what decade?

Round 4, Question 5 620s CE

Round 4, Question 6 A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives

Round 4, Question 6 Bureaucracy

Round 4, Question 7 The Quant System spread from _____ to ______.

Round 4, Question 7 The Quant System spread from IRAN to NORTH AFRICA & THE REST OF ASIA.

Round 4, Question 8 Name foundational civilizations (1 point for each one you name)

Round 4, Question 8 Mesoamerica (Mayas, Aztecs) Andean Region (Incas) Mesopotamia Nile Valley (Egypt) Huang Ho River Region Indus River Region

Round 4, Question 9 The high point of Muslim cultural achievement, considered the Golden Age of Islamic Culture, occurred during which dynasty?

Round 4, Question 9 Abbasid

Round 4, Question 10 Which of the American societies altered their environment most extensively?

Round 4, Question 10 The Aztecs