APA Style
What’s APA Style? APA Style was developed by social and behavioral scientists to standardize scientific writing. APA Style establishes standards of written communication concerning: the organization of content writing style citing references
Plagiarism definition: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. (Google Dictionary) happens both on accident and on purpose Anti-plagiarism procedures: TurnItIn (seriously, it works) teaching citations Post plagiarism: if caught plagiarizing in BHS, 1. plagiarism class 2. redo project/paper
Required sources for first speech: 5
What needs to be cited? Every idea that came from an outside source This applies to evidence in your paper that is a: summary define: paraphrase define: direct quote define:
Rules on directly quoting: Shouldn’t dominate your writing Needs to be worked into your writing Can’t be its own sentence Less than 3 lines usually 2 or less For FINAL DRAFT: When directly quoting the same source continuously (without other sources between), you should only parenthetically cite the last instance If omitting parts of text, use ellipses (...) Should be used to cut lengthy, unnecessary parts of text Can’t do this in a way that changes the meaning of the writing
Omitting parts of a quote Original: “Hitler, the man whose leadership allowed the atrocity of the Holocaust, was able to take a leadership role in Germany because the country was in great need in their time of desperation.” (Bomstad) Incorrect: According to Bomstad, “Hitler… was … great …” Why incorrect? Correct: According to Bomstad, “Hitler... was able to take a leadership role in Germany because the country was in great need in their time of desperation. Why correct?
2 parts of citation in papers: 1.Reference List Page a.Page at the end of the paper that shows, in detail, all the sources used throughout the paper, like a “key” to the in-text citations 2.In-text citations a.Used EVERY time you use info that’s not yours (so you should have TONS of these) b.Gives reader enough info to find the source (and ultimately visit it) in the works cited page
Reference List: List of all resources used in paper At very end of paper On its own page Different entries for different kinds of sources
General electronic source entry Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of article.Title of Online Periodical. Retrieved from Date: (Year, Month Day). Author: Last, F. I. (last name, first and middle initials)
Example: Bernstein, M. (2002, May 6). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from
Authors 1 author: Author, A. A. Two authors: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. 3-7 authors: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., & Author, D. D. Organization as author: American Heart Association. No author? Find more credible source.
Using something beside a general electronic source? Use Purdue OWL Lab for APA Style to search specifics
In-text citations
2 kinds: Parenthetical (in parentheses) Put essential info in parentheses at the end of sentence you used outside information in space after sentence, info with parentheses around, period Example: Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth) Narrative (in your writing) Work essential info into your writing in the sentence you used outside information in Example: According to Wordsworth, romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings." *Don’t use both simultaneously*
3 elements of I-T Citations author year page # (Jones, 2007, p. 14).
Narr: Beesly-Halpert (2005) explains performance review day is just Michael being off topic. Parenth: One employee claims it’s possible to “raise and lower my cholesterol at will” (Schrute, 2013).
According to Hudson (2010), his life sucks, but he loves pretzel day.