Childminder Network Communication and Language Development
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EARLY LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Speech, language and communication development
How do children begin to use language? Even before using the first words, a baby needs to: have a need to communicate with others hear language directed to him learn that the language he hears means something be able to make the sounds that eventually she will use to form words pick out the differences between the sounds he hears in the language around him have an adult who is responsive to meet these needs so that she learns that vocalisation has a purpose and will provoke a reaction.
The importance of early intervention Early intervention: improves outcomes for children helps identify communication difficulty is effective and cost efficient may maximise language acquisition...
Considerations - support The focus should be on interaction rather than activities. Close, effective working with parents is vital. Practitioners have to devote significant time to meet children’s physical, health and safety needs.
Speech, language and communication (SLC) Language is a system of sounds and words that conveys meaning. It includes understanding (receptive language) and spoken words/talking (expressive language). Speech sounds can be described very simply as the sounds and sound combinations that are put together to make words and spoken language. Communication is the sending and receiving of messages using spoken or written language, non-verbal sounds, gestures, body language or symbols including writing. It is a two-way process.
9 What will you do now? Communication and language is vital to young children and is now a prime area of the 2012 EYFS, so what will you do to support it? Activities- Song bag Using Toddler Talk cards Improving Interaction Using language tracker
Building blocks of language
Do you know what to expect of speech and language development 0-3 years? Listening and attention Understanding Speech sounds and talk Communication for social interaction
Early Years Childminder Network National support Talking Point: website providing advice and tips for parents and professionals Talk to your baby: information for parents and professionals and Early Support Programme: advice and support booklets available in England but web access UK-wide I CAN Enquiry Line for parents and professionals who have concerns about children