Cleaner shrimp and zebra moray eel. What’s happening here?
The oxpecker birds eat ticks off the back of a hippopotamus.
Choices: (+/+), (+/-), (+/death), (+/nothing) Station #Organism #1 Organism #2 Relation- ship
Directions for Stations Choices: (can be in any order) 1)+/+ 2)+/- 3)+/nothing 4)+/death
Station #1 Bacteria living at the roots of a tree: the tree gains nutrients, but the bacteria gain nothing from the tree.
Station #2 Bacteria in our stomach.
Station #3 Mistletoe lives on and feeds off of a tree. The tree is harmed, but not immediately.
Station #4 A cowbird eats the ticks off of a cow’s back.
Station #5 A dung beetle and the larger animals that provide the dung. (A dung beetle gathers the dung [manure] of other animals and rolls it into a ball to move it. The beetle feeds on the ball, making it a decomposer.)
Station #6 A mosquito feeding off of a human.
Station #7 A lizards catches and eats an insect.
Station #8 Lichen is a protist and an algae living together. The algae retains moisture that both need to live. The protist produces nutrients for both.
Station #9 A flea feeds on a dog.
Station #10 A bird lives in a tree.
Station #11 A cow eats grass.
Station #12 A mountain lion eats a rabbit.
Station #13 The flower gives food to the bee and the bee helps in the reproduction of the flower.
Station #14 A tick burrows into the cow’s skin to suck blood.
Challenge #1 The monarch butterfly drinks nectar and lays eggs on milkweed. The monarch larvae eat the milkweed leaves and obtain the leaves’ poisonous chemical which prevents predators from eating them, the monarch also pollinates the milkweed.
Challenge #2 An ant burrows into a thorn of an acacia tree to live and eat sugar secreted by the tree, the ants also attack the tree’s predators.
Challenge #3 Bacteria on the roots of soybean plants fix the nitrogen from the atmosphere so that it is available to the plant. The bacteria also receive carbohydrates from the plant roots.