Bacteria Yummy. More than 200 species live on you. Right now. Go take a bath. Well, wait until you get home.


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Presentation transcript:

Bacteria Yummy. More than 200 species live on you. Right now. Go take a bath. Well, wait until you get home.

Bacteria Kingdom? All bacteria are divided into 2 Kingdoms: 1.Archaebacteria 2.Eubacteria

3 Kingdom Archaebacteria First discovered in extreme environments Methanogens: Harvest energy by converting H 2 and CO 2 into methane gas –Anaerobic, live in intestinal tracts Extreme halophiles: Salt loving, live in Great Salt Lake, and Dead sea. Thermoacidophiles: Live in acid environments and high temps. –Hot Springs, volcanic vents

Importances: Food production: cheese, pickles, yogurt, vinegar, sauerkraut, etc. Medicine: antibiotics that kill other bacteria Digestion: in your very own stomach! Nitrogen fixation: important in making nitrates for plant growth (nitrogen cycle)

Structure of bacteria: Cell wall and cell membrane; ribosomes, single circular chromosome, cytoplasm, sometimes flagella or pili (like cilia), sometimes a gel- like capsule

Gram+ versus Gram - The Gram stain, which divides most clinically significant bacteria into two main groups, is the first step in bacterial identification. Bacteria stained purple are Gram + - their cell walls have a thick petidoglycan layer Bacteria stained pink are Gram – their cell walls have have a thin peptidoglycan layer

Gram + versus Gram -

Classification: 3 Criteria: –Shape –Arrangement –Aerobic or Anaerobic

Shape A. Cocci – round B. Spirilli – spiral shaped C. Bacilli – rod shaped

Arrangement Diplo- = bacterial pairs are paired Staphylo- = grape-like clusters Strepto- = long chains

Aerobic or Anaerobic Aerobic bacteria: require oxygen –Tuberculosis (lives in lungs!) Anaerobic bacteria: can’t use oxygen and it may even kill them! –Botulism (food poisioning!)

Bacterial Respiration Aerobes carry on cellular respirationAerobes carry on cellular respiration Anaerobes carry on fermentationAnaerobes carry on fermentation

Nutrition,Nutrition, Respiration, andRespiration, and ReproductionReproduction Metabolic Diversity

Modes of Nutrition Heterotrophs ChemoheterotrophsChemoheterotrophs Take in organic molecules(iron/sulfur) for energy & carbon.Take in organic molecules(iron/sulfur) for energy & carbon.  Saprobes – feed on dead organic matter  Parasites – feed on a host cell

Photoheterotrophs Photosynthetic use sunlight for energy but also need to take in organic compounds

Autotrophs Photoautotrophs: Use light energy to make food and produce oxygen EX: cyanobacteria Chemoautotrophs: Do not require light Use chemicals EX: deep ocean bacteria

Methods of Respiration releasing energy Obligate Aerobes – require O 2 (tuberculosis bacteria)Obligate Aerobes – require O 2 (tuberculosis bacteria) Obligate Anaerobes – die if O 2 is present (tetanus)Obligate Anaerobes – die if O 2 is present (tetanus) Facultative Anaerobes – don’t need O 2, but aren’t killed by it (E. coli)Facultative Anaerobes – don’t need O 2, but aren’t killed by it (E. coli)

Reproduction asexually / Rapidasexually / Rapid All new cells identical (clones)All new cells identical (clones)

Binary Fission E. coli Cellular organism copies it’s genetic information then splits into two identical daughter cells

Reproduction ConjugationConjugation sexualsexual exchange genetic materialexchange genetic material Held together by piliHeld together by pili New cells NOT identicalNew cells NOT identical

Spore Formation Form endospore when habitat conditions become harsh (little food)Form endospore when habitat conditions become harsh (little food) Able to survive for long periods of time as endospermAble to survive for long periods of time as endosperm Difficult to destroy (heat resistant)Difficult to destroy (heat resistant)

Benefits to their host… Over 200 species live on you daily. Most are in your digestive tract. They stimulate the immune system, aid in bodily processes, some make vitamins, some inhibit and kill other bad bacteria.

Long live E. coli!! It makes vitamins your body needs!! Hurray!!

Other Bacteria Benefits Lactobacillus bacteria in vagina =proper pH /protect against infection Food industry = buttermilk, yogurt,vinegar etc. Roots = nitrogen fixing Antibiotic drugs = streptomycin Sewage treatment Clean oil spills Cyanobacteria= produce oxygen

Oh the diseases they cause!! Tuberculosis Anthrax Botulism Periodontal diseases Staph infections Acne Strep throat Pneumonia Diptheria Lung of Tuberculosis victim.

Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria)

Antibiotics= Drugs fight bacteria Penicillin Tetracyclin Sulfa drugs Broad spectrum antibiotics

Antibiotic Resistance