Political background for the Baltic Sea multilateral cooperation CBSS Workshop on maritime clusters in Klaipeda May 2010 Dr Christer Pursiainen Senior Adviser CBSS Secretariat
The Baltic Sea of Acronyms A number of multilateral frameworks, from global to regional/transnational levels The challenge of coordination –Overlaps and the division of labour? –Unnecessary competition? –Opportunism or avoidance of responsibility –Learning the same issues again and again?
UN organisations, affecting the BSR through -Multilateral policy frameworks - Hard and sof international law -E.g. IMO, Espoo Convention
EU 27, affecting the BSR through e.g. - General policy framework, including integrated maritime policy - Regional policy - Northern dimension - Regional funding programmes - Baltic Sea Strategy
EU’s regional policy shaping the BSR - Structural funds, competitevness programmes etc.
Northern Dimension, working through high-level policy coordination and partnerships - Environment - Health and Social Well- Being - Transport and Logistics - Culture... - ND institute -
EU’s extensive regional funding programmes for the BSR
The regional INTERGOVERNMENTAL COUNCILS and their PARLIAMENTARY counterparts with overall focus - CBSS --- BSPC - NCM --- NC - BEAC - AC - BCM --- BA (not in the map)
CBSS levels Bureacratic levels Summit Ministerial CSO Expert Groups Secretariat Observer States Stategic Partners Priority areas Environment Energy Economic cooperation Education Civil Security & Human Dimension
HELCOM - Intergovernmental - Marine environment
VASAB - Intergovernmental - Focus on spatial planning
BSSSC - Open to 10 Baltic Sea area sates’ regional authorities (appr. 170) - Currently around two dozens regions and regional associations - Several focus areas
UBC - Open to 10 Baltic Sea area states’ cities - Currently 106 Member Cities - Several focus areas
B7 Islands - Several focus areas
Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions – The Baltic Sea Commission - Currently 27 regional members in eight countries around the Baltic Sea, including Nordland in Norway.
A number of transnational professional and/or NGO-based interest organisations, e.g. - BASTUN - BCCA - BDF - BAC - Baltic Sea Forum - BUP - NGO Forum - ScanBalt - Baltic Port Organisation
Vertical coordination? – EU? Baltic Sea Strategy? –CBSS? –Other? Horizontal coordination? –Mergers? –Observer status? –Strategic partnerships? Or both?
Thank you for your attention!