1 DOE Radiation Exposure Monitoring System (REMS) Data Update Nimi Rao Office of Analysis (HS-24) Office of Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support and Corporate Safety Analysis Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS) Derek Hagemeyer Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) 31 st Annual International Dosimetry and Records Symposium June 3-7, 2012 Hilton Head Island, SC
Present the 2011 draft data for DOE occupational radiation exposure –Compared to last year and last 5 years –Discuss trends and overview Clarification on Reporting Data Purpose 2 Note: 2011 Data is preliminary and subject to change and is indicated by this symbol Data for previous years have been published and are available on the REMS web site
AECAtomic Energy Commission ARRAAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 CEDCommitted Effective Dose CEqDCommitted Equivalent Dose CEqD-SK50 yr Committed Equivalent Dose to the Skin DOEDepartment of Energy EDEffective Dose EqD-EyeEquivalent Dose to the Lens of the Eye EqD-LLEquivalent Dose to the Skin Lower Left Extremity EqD-LREquivalent Dose to the Skin Lower Right Extremity EqD-SkWBEquivalent Dose to the Skin of the Whole Body EqD-ULEquivalent Dose to the Skin Upper Left Extremity EqD-UREquivalent Dose to the Skin Upper Right Extremity ERDAEnergy Research and Development Administration HSSOffice of Health, Safety and Security LANLLos Alamos National Laboratory ORAUOak Ridge Associated Universities REMSRadiation Exposure Monitoring System SRSSavannah River Site TEDTotal Effective Dose TExDTotal Extremity Dose TODTotal Organ Dose TRUTransuranic TSDTotal Skin Dose 3 Acronyms
Collective and Average Measurable TED, DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 4
Current Laws and Requirements Pertaining to Recording and Reporting Occupational Exposure to REMS 5
*Limit applies to the embryo/fetus. DOE Dose Limits from 10 CFR 835 6
*The number of DOE and contractor workers was determined from the total annual work hours at DOE converted to full-time equivalents. DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 Monitoring of the DOE Workforce, 2007–2011 7
* The percentages in parentheses represent the percentage of each dose component to the collective TED. Components of TED, 2007–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 8
* Individuals with doses equal to the dose value separating the dose ranges are included in the next higher dose range. Distribution of TED by Dose Range, 2007–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 9
Doses in Excess of DOE Limit, 2007–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 10
* The number of internal depositions represents the number of internal dose records with positive results reported for each individual. Individuals may have multiple intakes in a year and, therefore, may be counted more than once. Number of Internal Depositions, Collective CED, and Average Measurable CED, 2007–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 11
*Individuals with doses equal to the dose value separating the dose ranges are included in the next higher dose range. **Individuals may have multiple intakes in a year and, therefore, may be counted more than once. Internal Dose Distribution from Intakes, 2007–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 12
Bioassay Measurements, DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 13
Collective CED by Radionuclide, 2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 14
Collective TEDE by DOE Site for 2009–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 15
* Total number of individuals represents the number of individuals monitored and not the number of records. Dose Distribution of Transient Workers, 2007–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 16
1974 – 1989collective dose = DDE 1990 – 1992collective dose = DDE + AEDE 1993 – 2010collective dose = DDE + CEDE 2011collective dose = ED + CED 1946 – 1974Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) 1974 – 1977Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) 1977 – PresentDepartment of Energy (DOE) Collective Dose and Average Measurable Dose, 1974–2011 DRAFT DATA as of 5/18/12 17
Reporting Total Organ Dose (TOD) Reporting Total Skin Dose (TSD), and Total Extremity Dose (TExD) Special individuals reporting Clarification on Reporting Data 18
As defined in 10 CFR (a)(2): –The sum of the Effective Dose (ED) from external sources to the Committed Equivalent Dose (CEqD) from intakes of radionuclides to the maximally exposed organ or tissue other than the skin or the lens of the eye. –Therefore, do not enter the total skin dose (EqD-SkWB + CEqD-SK) as the TOD –The total skin dose (TSD) and total extremity dose (TExD) will be added as separate data elements in the next revision to the REMS Reporting Guide Reporting Total Organ Dose (TOD) 19
The sum of the Equivalent Dose to the skin of the Whole Body (EqD - SkWB) from external sources to the Committed Equivalent Dose to the skin (CEqD - SK) from intakes of radionuclides for this monitoring period in millirem. In cases where internal monitoring was not provided and therefore the CEqD-SK was not reported, the TSD should be reported as the same value as the EqD- SkWB. Total Skin Dose (TSD) 20
The sum of the Equivalent Dose to the Skin of the maximally exposed extremity (maximum of the EqD – UR, EqD – UL, EqD – LR, EqD – LL values) to the Committed Equivalent Dose to the skin (CEqD-SK) from intakes of radionuclides for this monitoring period in millirem. In cases where internal monitoring was not provided and therefore the CEqD-SK was not reported, the TExD should be reported as the same value as the maximally exposed extremity. Total Extremity Dose (TExD) 21
Reports for special individuals are required to be submitted within 30 days after the assessment of the dose in accordance with DOE Order 231.1B, Attachment 4, (2)(a) We will be adding a reporting category on the web site submittal for special individuals. Special Individuals Reporting 22
The average measurable TED and the dose distribution have remained consistent over the past 5 years, whereas the collective TED increased in 2010 and decreased in The individual who received 32 rems from an intake at SRS in 2010 had a significant impact on the increase in collective CED for that year. The absence of such a large dose in 2011 brings down the collective CED to a value below the 5-year average. The increase in funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), beginning in late 2009 and ending in 2011, increased activities at DOE sites (particularly in environmental cleanup and waste management) and contributed to an elevated collective dose during these years The decrease in collective TED during 2011, is partially due to the reduction in ARRA activities at a few of the DOE sites. Conclusions 23
Derek Hagemeyer, ORAU Nimi Rao, DOE HS Contact 24