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Presentation transcript:


CWPP “A mechanism for a community to address their wildfire risk”

CWPP BACKGROUND A result of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 Can influence and prioritize funding for healthy forest restoration projects

CWPP CRITERIA Collaboration Prioritized Fuel Reduction Treatment of Structural Ignitability

CWPP COLLABORATION The Plan and elements should be developed in collaboration with state, local and community interests “Partnerships” Residents Insurance Businesses Media

PRIORITIZED FUEL REDUCTION Identify and classify risk areas Fuels (Wildland and Structural), Topography, Weather Access/Egress Infrastructure Community Values Fire Behavior and Fire Physics Should fuel reduction be the primary focus???

TREATMENT OF STRUCTURAL IGNITABILITY Home Ignition Zone Concepts Big Flames Small Flames Embers Effectiveness Risk vs. Gain $$$

EFFECTIVE, USEFUL CWPP’S Realistic actionable Items Effective Prioritization Easily Understood Attainable Logical and Incremental Timelines Sustainable Do not conflict with codes, ordinances, covenants

EFFECTIVE CWPP’S Are not measured by the weight or length of the plan Do not need: Extensive historical/scientific data Elaborate mapping/graphics Confusing terminology Overuse of acronyms To look like any other CWPP Should value HIZ Concepts as Much as Fuel Reduction


These are tools for addressing fire control not for reducing home ignitability

CWPP “DOVETAILING” An Effective CWPP Should POSITIVELY Influence Firewise Community Requirements Home Ignition Zone Guidance/Data Finding of Fact (Codes, Covenants) Insurance/ISO Ratings Responder Safety & Effectiveness Survivability Forest Health

THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX AND INSIDE THE COMMUNITY Enforcement Sustainability Participation Evacuation vs. Shelter-in-Place Survivable vs. Defensible Forest and Ecosystem Health Fire Dependent/Fire Adapted Prevention vs. Suppression