Andreas Nymark Unionen Sweden’s largest trade union for professionals in the private sector members in companies elected representatives 19 regions collective agreements adapted for 100 different industrial sectors many different professions including managers no links to any political party formed by a merger 2008
Andreas Nymark The Swedish labour market 4,6 million labour force 2/3 private sector – 1/3 public sector Separate trade unions for blue-collar workers and white-collar/professionals White-collar/professionals unions independent from political parties
Andreas Nymark Three national trade union confederations: – LO, blue-collar, 14 unions 1,6 million members –TCO, white-collar/professionals, 16 unions 1,2 million members –SACO, professionals with academic degree, 23 unions 0,6 million members The Swedish labour market
Andreas Nymark The Swedish model High density of union membership: 71% of all employees are union members Blue-collar workers private sector: 67% Blue-collar workers public sector: 83% Professionals private sector: 65% Professionals public sectors: 85%
Andreas Nymark Union representative at the work-place Implement and secure the national collective agreements Bargain complementing work-place agreements 60% of the members in Unionen have elected representatives at their own work-place (otherwise represented by the union officials at the regional office)
Employment in the Swedish Staffing Industry – Permanent jobs and collective agreements Andreas Nymark
The Swedish Staffing Industry Our collective agreements Principles for employment Work obligation Working hours Remuneration Andreas Nymark
The level of agreements the level above must be more advantegeous Individual individual salary, vacation, insurances, notice period, work hours, work obligation… Collective________________________________ minimum salaries, vacation, pension, disability, notice periods, principles, work hours, work obligation… Law________________________________________ vacation, sickpay, pension, disability, employment security, notice periods, principles, work hours… Andreas Nymark
Collective Agreements Blue collar workers All 14 LO affiliates White collar workers Unionen & Akademikerförbunden Health Care Staff and Physicians Association for Health Professionals and the Swedish Medical Association Andreas Nymark
Principles for employment Why not employ by assignment, things would be much easier then…..? General rule; Employment Security Act prescribes agreement of employment valid until further notice. The employer will not transfer costs to the society. Andreas Nymark
Employment status white collars Employment until further notice Employment with time limits: –Duties of particular nature –Substitute –Production peak –Students –After the employee turn 65 –When required for a short period, consultants only A six month trial period Andreas Nymark
Employment status blue collars Employment until further notice (full time). Part time requires local agreement Employment with time limits - Certain time - 6 months, once - Students, - After pension -”Another primary occupation” Certain time can be suspended with a notice period of 14 days - Substitute Andreas Nymark
Work Obligation White collars – Consultant can, without a particular reason, decline an assignment with a limited salary reduction. Obliged to work within the area of the collective agreement 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Blue collars – Can not decline an assignment without a particular reason. Obliged to work within the area of the collective agreement 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Health care staff – Consultant can decline assignment without salary reduction if there is a particular reason. Andreas Nymark
Limits of Work Obligation When employment is concluded the parties set a written geographical area of work obligation. Area of work obligation is the geographical area where the consultant is obliged to go to and from work at his/her expenses. Availability is when and how the worker is reachable when not on assignment. Andreas Nymark
Working hours White collars – The customer’s working hours is applicable. Collective agreement for working hours replaces the law. Blue collars – The customer’s working hours for the corresponding group is applicable. Collective agreement for working hours replaces the law. Night work is prohibited without a local agreement. Health care staff – According to the central collective agreement for their specific branch (E, F). Andreas Nymark
Remuneration White collars – Individual monthly salary with a guarantee of at least 133/150 hours a month. Blue collars – hourly pay according to the agreement at the customer. A guarantee of at least 90 % under certain rules. Health care staff – Individual monthly salary, with a guarantee of at least 75 % according to agreement with the Union for Health Professionals. Andreas Nymark
Thank you and good luck with your collective bargaining! Andreas Nymark Unionen Andreas Nymark