1 Paper Order ORDER From: E- Pens To: ABC & C OrderRef:AC8484 Order Date: Qty DescriptionProduct Code 1500 Superior –RedPC-1075-R 1300 Superior – SilverPC-1075-S -End of Order-
2 UNB+UNOA:2+8484:xx+1149:xx+ Interchange Header BEN0273 UNH ORDERS:2:932:UN Message 1 Header BGM+220+AC8484 DTM+4: :102 Data Segments NAD+BY ::91 NAD+SU :91 UNS+D LIN+1++PC-1075-R:VP Qty+21:1500 LIN+2++PC-1075-S:VP Qty+21:1300 UNT Trailer UNHMessage 2 …… UNT UNZ+1+BEN0273 Trailer
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