What is Science???? Science is all around us!!! Everything is or can be related to science!!!
Please tell me how the pictures below is related to science!!!
Science is defined as: The knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested.
Scientists Any person who asks questions and looks for answers could be considered a scientist. Meteorologist:studies atmosphere and weather. Geochemist:studies the chemistry of rocks, minerals, and soil. Ecologist: studies communities of organisms and their nonliving environments.
Scientific Method/Inquiry Questions Hypothesis Experiments Observations Predictions Variables Facts Laws Results!!!
Scientific Method Definitions Question- an act of asking. A scientific question is the asking of question that can’t be answered with a yes or no. It is the beginning of science. Good science question: 1.Can be answered 2.tested by experimenting 3.Observed 4.Measured 5.Obtain data 6.Builds on prior knowledge 7. Leads to other questions.
Definitions Observing-means using one or more of your senses to gather information. We use our observations to make daily decisions. Facts- verifiable observations, proven to be true. “Gravity what goes up must come down.” Hypothesis- A possible explanation or answer to a question. Hypothesis’s must be testable!!!! Use knowledge you already know when creating your hypothesis.
Definitions cont. Predictions- is a statement of cause and effect that can be used to test a hypothesis. Usually as an IF- THEN statement. If I add water to a plant, then the plant will grow. Experiment- a method of investigating the relationship among variables to gather data and answer a question. A controlled experiment: tests only one factor at a time and consists of a control group and one or more groups. Variables- any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types.
Definitions cont. Independent variable:variable that is purposely changed to test hypothesis. Dependent variable: changes in response to what you do to the independent variable. It what we look to, to get our results. Results- the data obtained from conducting the experiment.
Laws Laws- in science is a summary of many experimental results and observations. It is a statement of what will happen in specific situation.