Ecology Study of interactions between - energy and the environment Study of interactions between - living and non-living stuff Study of interactions between - living organisms and how they affect the environment
Abiotic Factors Water – must be plentiful and usable Soil – includes rock particles, water, air and organic (non living) materials Temperature – suitable for life (endo- or ectothermic) Light – radiant energy, harnessed by algae and plants Inorganic substances – rocks, minerals, air
Biotic Factors All organisms in ecosystem Plants Animals Monerans Protists Fungi
Limiting Factors Any biotic or abiotic component limits the size and complexity of the community Water in the desert Number of trees to nest in Hours of daylight
What are the limiting factors here???
Energy Pyramid
Energy in the Ecosystem
The Winner is…. Decomposers – feed on everything
Food Chain Single strand of web (simple) Ex Sun Daisy Catipillar Cardinal Cat Worm
Food Web Many intertwined strands (complex)