CLIC Beam instrumentation work shop, CERN, 2 nd & 3 rd of June 2009, Lars Søby BPM overview CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June 2009 1BPM overview.


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Presentation transcript:

CLIC Beam instrumentation work shop, CERN, 2 nd & 3 rd of June 2009, Lars Søby BPM overview CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June 2009BPM overview Lars Soby2 CLIC BPM overview CLIC module Main beam BPM Drive beam BPM FE electronics Outlook

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June Injectors ~3.7* 10 9 charges per bunch 2GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~1.5A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June Pre damping rings 300 Plus a few fast BPMS for instability observations. 2GHz BW, 10µ resolution! ~3.7* 10 9 charges per bunch 2GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~1.5A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June Damping rings 300 Plus a few fast BPMS for instability observations. 2GHz BW, 10µ resolution! ~3.7* 10 9 charges per bunch 2GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~1.5A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June BC1, Booster Linac, Transfer lines, BC OBS: Req. resolution for BC2 is 100µ. ~3.7* 10 9 charges per bunch 2GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~1.5A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June DBA, DL’s, CR’s and transfer lines 30 ~8.4* 10 9 charges per bunch 12GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~100A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June DB Long transfer lines 424 ~8.4* 10 9 charges per bunch 12GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~100A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June DB Turn around’s 960 ~8.4* 10 9 charges per bunch 12GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~100A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June DB decelerators + beam dumps ~8.4* 10 9 charges per bunch 12GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~100A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June Main beam Linac + BDS ~3.7* 10 9 charges per bunch 2GHz bunch spacing I pulse ~1.5A BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June 2009BPM overview Lars Soby12 BPM summery A total of BPMs!!...or ~800MCHF

CLIC module, Type 1 Main Beam Drive Beam DB-BPM MB-BPM Wake Field Monitors DB-BPM CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June 2009BPM overview Lars SobyLars Søby 14 Module types ? BPM per quadrupole 1WFM per accelerating structure In total modules per Linac

Main beam choke BPM Damping material, TM01 Beam Developed by R. Fandos and I. Syrachev’s RF design is made, but mechanical design still needs to be done. See M. Wendts talk. Better than 50nm resolution with time resolution of 10ns. Low wake field impedances. CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June BPM overview Lars Soby Coaxial antenna pickup Choke where the TM11 mode is trapped

Multibunch Resolution Q=100 Res.=200nm Q=1000 Res.=200nm 16 CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June BPM overview Lars Soby

Wakefields W T <<13V/pC/mm W L << <46V/pC 17 CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June BPM overview Lars Soby

Lars Søby 18 EUROTeV PBPM Measured 600nm resolution with beam in CTF3. CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June 2009BPM overview Lars Soby 6mm aperture.

Drive beam spectrum Chamber cutoff frequency 7.6GHz!!!HOM from PETS with several kilo Watt’s Current modulation? 1)Introduce current modulation at e.g. 2GHz? 2)Measure with button, strip line or inductive BPM at baseband 3)Use other (unknown) spectral lines HOM BPM coupling impedance of -40dB would pump 300W! BPMs would dissipate 12MW per pulse!! Beam pulse power 240GW CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June BPM overview Lars Soby

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June 2009BPM overview Lars Soby20 Front-end electronics in the tunnel = Down converters, Signal conditioning, Calibration unitsAnalogue FE Digital FE= Digitizers and control < 35GY/Y H=27, L=45, D= 30 cm LAPP digital FE Designed to resist up to 350GY Analogue FE

CLIC instrumentation work shop 2-3 June 2009BPM overview Lars SobyLars Søby 21  More than BPMs which implies simple, cost effective and robust designs.  For the main beam BPM a 14GHz low-Q cavity / choke BPM is presently being studied by Fermilab. See M. Wendt’s talk.  Drive beam BPM: High beam power is a potential problem. Base band BPM seems best candidate, Button?, Stripline? Adapt inductive BPM to 100A and 20um accuracy.  FE electronics and data transmission is being studied by LAPP. See S. Vilalte’s talk.  10um resolution and 2GHz BW BPMs needs attention. Summery All BPM systems needs to be studied and evaluated before end 2010!