Survey Summary Survey Summary Funding Priority: (1) COLA (2) Steps (3) Class size reduction (4) Reinstate contract day (5) Reinstate education reimbursement (6) Increase supply budgets
Survey Summary Survey Summary Most Valued Benefit: (1) Salary/Wage (2) Insurance (3) Retirement (4) Leave
Survey Summary Survey Summary Insurance Costs: (1) Increase employee-paid portion of insurance premium (2) Suspend cost of living increase (3) Suspend salary steps (4) Reduce insurance benefits
Voluntary transfer Transfers are discouraged after August 1 or during the school year but may be considered in situations where the District administration determines that the transfers would be beneficial to students. Language
Mileage reimbursement The IRS rate on July 1 (rounded to the nearest penny), shall be used as the District rate of reimbursement per mile for the subsequent 12 months. Language
Language Restructuring of Negotiated Agreement Removed through Student Discipline Procedures Schools will develop school-wide discipline plans that provide for the removal of students exhibiting persistent or dangerous behaviors that disrupt the learning of other students in the classroom. Procedures should be consistent with Davis School District Policy. Removed 6.11 Special Education Inclusion Meetings for IEPs, 504s, etc., scheduled during prep time or meetings that extend beyond contract hours should shall be arranged with the consent of teachers coordinated with educators involved.
T Funded one additional Professional Day in FY 2017 The calendar includes a total of five professional days. Five professional days represents an increase of one day (two half days) from previous years. The additional half days are added to August 19 and March 27. Educator Compensation Training and Implementation of School Improvement Plans
Professional Development for Elementary Prep Time Instructors No schools will schedule prep time during the first five days of school although prep time specialists will work their regular contracted time in a combination of training and preparation. Adjustment will need to be made in year-round schools to facilitate training and the other needs of the school. Educator Compensation
Three additional days for new teachers Two days for New Teacher Orientation One day for classroom organization and set-up Educator Compensation
COLA – 2.75% ($5.5M) Fund Steps and Lanes ($4.3M) One Time Stipend 1.5% of Salary ($3.0M) Paid May 31, 2016 Additional Professional Day FY2017 ($1.1M) Educator Compensation
Single Lane Salary Schedule No dead zones Steps do not end at 25 years $875 between each step Beginning teacher salary/1 st three years Cost of Single Lane Table ($2.9M) Educator Compensation
Educator Compensation COLA – 3% Employees on Table 9 ($3.0M) Fund Steps ($1.9M) One Time Stipend – 2% of Salary ($2.1M) Paid May 31, 2016($2.1M)
Educator Compensation COLA – 2.75% Fund Steps One Time Stipend – 2% of Salary Paid May 31, 2016
Educator Compensation Health and Dental Insurance District to cover 7.6% cost increase ($3.0M) No increase cost to portion of premium paid by employee No changes in benefits Changed insurance waiting period from 90 days to 30 days for new employees ($.05M)
Additional Budget Items School supply budgets increased by 5% ($325K) Custodial budget increase ($180K) Targeted class size reduction - $750K in ongoing funds New teacher orientation and training – 3 additional paid days
Interns FTE (1.5 elementary; 3 secondary) ($450K) Substitute teacher pay increased additional 1% beyond COLA ($30K) Three additional secondary counselors – growth ($240K) Family Resources Facilitator Additional Budget Items