Minerals are essential: they’re in every manufactured product They’re essential to good health (vitamins) Knowledge of minerals enables us to understand earth’s processes What is the first question the game asks????? Is it an….. animal, vegetable, or a mineral? 20 Questions But no matter the answer, remember our origins are the same Most Astounding Fact Neil DeGrass Tyson
Earth Science, 11e Minerals: Building Blocks of Rocks Unit 4
Minerals are composed of Elements
Which Elements Make up the Earth’s crust? Here are the top 8:
Mineral Box Scavenger Hunt Which mineral… 1. Looks like glass ____ 2. Smells like rotten eggs ____ 3. Flecks of gold ____ 4. Is magnetic ____ 5. Is soft like powder ____ 6. Can write like a pencil ____ 7. Tastes salty ____ 8. Is heavy like lead _____ 9. Dried blood-red color ____ 10. Peels into thin sheets ____ #7 quartz #31sulfur #22pyrite #13magnetite #1 talc graphite #18halite #11galena hematite #23/24 mica Minerals and You:
Geosphere Also known as solid* Earth 3 main parts: –Dense, hot CORE –Semi-solid MANTLE –Thin, outer CRUST
Geosphere; earth’s crust Rock on continents and under the oceans
Analyze characteristics Group discussion: –Observe minerals #1-40 in the boxes. What are 5 characteristics that they all have in common? (pg 96) –Solid –Inorganic (have never been living) –Natural (not manmade) –Have definite chemical compositions –Have orderly internal structures of atoms (Mineraloid - lacks an orderly internal structure) How do rocks differ from minerals? Find Granite and minerals 6, 7 and 26 A ROCK is a solid mass of one or more minerals mixed together in varying quantities
Using the minerals in the boxes: -Sort into 3 or 4 groups by similarities. -Describe characteristics of the sorted groups. -When you have the characteristics determined for your group, write them on the board
Color Luster Light interaction Streak color Hardness number Cleavage Or Fracture Soluble in water Solubility in acid Other Properties: Magnetism, Fluorescence
Hydrosphere All the water –Lakes, rivers –Oceans –Glaciers (ice caps) –Aquifers (groundwater) –Atmosphere (clouds humidity) As well as any minerals that may have dissolved in the water The hydrosphere helps to transport minerals.
lakes, rivers, streams 1.4%
White board: Construct methods to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze characteristics Each table group will be assigned a different characteristic. (Each person in the group needs to concentrate on one of the tasks below.) Define the characteristic Describe the characteristic qualitatively (words) Determine if and how it could be quantitatively measured. (tested) –Construct a scale to measure it
Identify the Minerals * Use the bags of unknown minerals and the data table of minerals and their qualitative and quantitative characteristics on pages 700 and 701 in your textbook * Identify the minerals by matching their characteristics to a table of known minerals. Fill in your answers on the chart and answer the analysis questions on the back of your paper Groups have explained the scale, rank, etc on the white boards already. We are going to use the information gained from those presentations to test unknown minerals today.
Clarification: #4 #5
Mineral Specimen Number Color Luster Light interaction Streak color Hardness number Cleavage Or Fracture Soluble in water Solubility in acid Other Properties: Magnetism, Fluorescence Mineral name page
Common minerals List some common minerals are 1 element: There are over 4000 minerals, but only about a 20+ are common in the Earth’s crust and make-up all the rocks Most minerals are …Compounds Salt (NaCl) Calcite (CaCO 3 ) Quartz (sand) (SiO 2 ) sulfur, copper, gold, iron, silver, carbon
Mineral or Not??? 1.Ruby 2.Mercury 3.Concrete 4.Salt 5.Cubic zirconia 6.Sugar 7.Ice 8.Pearl YES NO, liquid No, man-made YES NO, synthetic NO, organic YES Metalloid, no crystalline structure
Except….. Limestone rock (#58) is made of only ONE mineral: calcite (#3) Obsidian (#51), which is glass made of only ONE mineral – quartz (#7) Coal, which is organic matter. Review: A ROCK is a solid mass of one or more minerals mixed together in varying quantities
Mineral Identification Lab Purpose: To construct methods to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze characteristics Identify the minerals Group them by similar physical and chemical characteristics Research their use as Earth’s resources
Our State Mineral Top 5 facts 1. It’s color(s)…. 2. formula, group/family: 3.Mineral characteristics, specific identifying characteristic… 4. Describe how it’s formed, by what process.. 5. It is found where in Illinois…. 6. It’s uses as a mineral resource.