Legislative Branch Review. What does bicameral mean?


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Presentation transcript:

Legislative Branch Review

What does bicameral mean?

2 houses

How long does a senator serve for?

6 years

What are the requirements to be a representative in the House?

25 years old, a citizen for 7 years and live in the state you represent.

Who is the representative for the district AV is in?

John Kline

What is the 1st step in how a bill becomes a law?

It is introduced to the House or the Senate.

Which Congress are we currently in?


What can the President do when a bill makes it to his desk?

Sign it, veto it, or pocket veto it.

Which house of Congress approves the judges the President appoints?

The Senate

Which house of Congress has the power to rule on an impeachment?

The Senate

Which committee is used to make sure a bill is the same for both the House and the Senate?

Conference committee

What are the guidelines for the debate of a bill in the House?

Representatives are limited to the amount of time each can speak.

How many districts are in MN?

8 districts

What is the survey called that is given every 10 years?

The census

How many senators does MN get to have?

2- every state only gets 2

Which state has the most representatives?

California- 53

Name a state that only receives 1 representative.

Montana, SD, ND, Rhode Island, Alaska, Wyoming

Which plan was used to influence the Senate?

The New Jersey Plan

Which article of the Constitution established the legislative branch?

Article 1

What is the leader of the House called? Double points- Who currently is that person?

The Speaker of the House John Boehner

When the Vice President isn’t available for the Senate, who is in charge?

The President Pro Tempore

How long does a Representative serve for?

2 years

What are the requirements to be a Senator?

30 years old, citizen for 9 years and live in the state you represent.

Name 3 powers the legislative branch has.

Make bills, tax, impeach the President, declare war,

What is it called when one branch has a power over another branch?

checks and balances

Give an example of a committee a representative can serve on.

military, natural resources, etc.

Every 2 years, how many senators are up for re- election?

1/3 of Senators are up for re-election every 2 years

Which part of Congress is based on population?

House of Representatives

How does someone become a Senator?

The people vote for him or her

How many representatives are in the House?

435 members

Which political party currently holds the majority in the Senate?


Does the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) get Senators?


Who are Minnesota’s Senators?

Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken

When is your portfolio due?


What is the topic of your essay?

Compare and contrast the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What is it called when a Senator speaks for a long time to delay the voting of a bill?


What is the basket called that new bills are placed into?

The Hopper

After a bill is introduced to the House or Senate, where does it go?

To committee

What is it called when district lines are redrawn to give a group the advantage in an election?
