Poetry In order to please the examiner you need to keep HIS CAT happy!!
H istorical / social context Can you tell when the poem was written? What is the historical/social/political setting? Why was the poem written?
I magery / language What imagery is used in the poem and what is its effect – what mood does it create? look at metaphors, similes, adjectives etc. Analyse and explain why the poet has used certain words, visual and aural images.
S tructure This is how the poem looks on the page – its physical shape. How many verses does it have? Are they the same length? Is the structure regular or irregular? Why? What punctuation has been used? Is there enjambment? Why? What is the effect?.
C omparisons. Are there any comparisons within the poem? Why has the poet used these? Why? E.g. sense of place, identity.
A lternative interpretation Can you interpret the poem in different ways? Can certain words/phrases/images mean more than one thing? What is the point/idea that the poet is putting across? How do you feel when you read the poem?
T one / mood. What is the mood of the poem? What are the feelings/emotions that the poet wants to convey? How does the poem make you feel? What is the message of the poem? The other factors are ‘how’ the poet creates the mood / tone of the poem.
TOP TIPS! Don’t be afraid of poetry! The examiner wants to see that you are thinking about the poem! Express your ideas clearly and use quotes from the poem to back up your points! Use PEED (point, evidence, explain, develop)