The Criminal Justice System Crime trends, Policing, Courtrooms, Trials, Sentencing and Punishment, Corrections and the community.


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Presentation transcript:

The Criminal Justice System Crime trends, Policing, Courtrooms, Trials, Sentencing and Punishment, Corrections and the community.

Defining The Criminal Justice System. Punishment Rehabilitation Courtrooms Trials Prisons or jails Probation

Geography of Crime

A Police Officers Duties After a Crime Has Been Committed Search and Seizure is likely to occur. Miranda rights will be read. Suspect will likely be interrogated.

Why a Police Officer Has These Duties To protect the officer from harm. To protect the suspect from harm. To protect the suspects rights. To help ensure a proper sentencing.

Virginia Courthouses Fairfax county Courthouse Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Courtroom Workers Judges Bailiff of the Court Clerk of the Court Court Reporters

Sentencing and Punishment

Maximum Security Corrections Facility This is located in Wise county. It is a high security prison. Similar to Courtyard style person daily population

Minimum Security Corrections Facility Also located in Wise county Low security Unknown style 108 person daily population

Community-based Program Sex Offender Supervision Containment Model Nine Districts In Virginia Use this program Designed to monitor sex offenders Implements polygraph testing Intense supervision Treatment

Halfway Houses Designed for recently released criminals Usually used for substance abusers Treatment is continued in these facilities Sometimes they will also be assigned community service.

References Gaines, L. & Miller, R. L. (2006). Criminal justice in action: The core (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. The Disaster Center.( ). Virginia Crime Rates Retrieved April 15, 2009, from Virginia Government. (ND). Virginia Corrections Facilities. Retrieved April 15, 2009, from