Energy Dependence of Soft Hadron Production Christoph Blume2nd International Workshop on the Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement Bergen Mar Apr. 3, 2005
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr The QCD Phase Diagram The Simplified Version Critical point Phase boundary separating QGP and hadronic world Cross over line from lattice QCD Lattice calculations: Fodor and Katz Bielefeld-Swansea group B = 0:cross over transition at T 170 MeV 1st order transition T = 0:1st order transition
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr The QCD Phase Diagram Heavy Ion Reactions High energies (RHIC/LHC) B low QGP phase (most likely) reached Lower energies (AGS) B high System remains in hadronic phase Intermediate energies Vary B by studying nuclear collisions at different s Possible to locate where the phase boundary is reached?
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr SPS energy regime allows to explore an essential part of the phase diagram –Transition to QGP is likely to happen at SPS energies –E beam = AGeV ( s NN = GeV) Use hadronic observables to pin down phase transition Systematic studies: Energy dependence of central A+A reactions The QCD Phase Diagram Experimental Observables AGS SPS RHIC
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Outline Soft Hadron Production Soft physics regime –p t < 2 GeV/c –Bulk properties of particle production Rapidity Spectra –Longitudinal expansion Particle Yields –Strangeness –Chemical freeze-out conditions Transverse Mass Spectra –Transverse expansion ( EOS?) –Thermal freeze-out conditions Fluctuations –K/ (p/ ) fluctuations
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Central Pb+Pb 7% (20-80) 5/10% (158) NA49 Change of shape only for Others: ~ Gaussians
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Pions Single Gaussians! Comparison AGS, SPS, and RHIC Central Pb+Pb/Au+Au
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Energy Dependence of Widths Pion widths are close to Landau prediction, but not perfectly But: Perfect agreement to linear dependence on y beam
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Energy Dependence of Widths Linear dependence on y beam Clear hierarchy for Gaussian-like particles at SPS (p, , excluded): > K + > K -, > Seems to break down at AGS
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Mass Dependence of Widths Approx. linear dependence on particle mass Similar slope at all SPS energies Thermal component of longitudinal flow negatives
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Dependence on Strangeness Content Central Pb+Pb, 158 AGeV NA49 Net protons: 3 valence quarks (uud ) Omegas: 3 produced quarks (sss ) Net s: 1 valence (d ) + 2 produced quarks (ss ) Net s: 2 valence (ud ) + 1 produced quark (s ) Net protons difficult to reconcile with pure Landau !
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields AGSNA49BRAHMS Central Au+Au, Pb+Pb 4 multiplicities only!
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields Statistical Hadron Gas Model Becattini et al., Phys. Ref. C69 (2004) Assumption of chemical equilibrium at the freeze-out point Particle production can be described with a few parameters: V, T, B, s
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields Phase Diagram (II): Chemical Freeze-Out Chemical freeze-out points approach phase boundary at top SPS energies Does the system cross the phase boundary ? And if yes, where ? Freeze-out curve at E /N = 1GeV Cleymans and Redlich PRL 81 (1998) 5284
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields Energy Dependence K + / + K - / - / / - / - + + /
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields Energy Dependence UrQMD HSD E.L. Bratkovskaya et al., PRC 69 (2004), K + / + K - / - / / - / - + + /
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Statistical hadron gas model: s = 1 P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Cleymans, H. Oeschler, and K. Redlich Nucl. Phys. A697 (2002) 902 Particle Yields Energy Dependence K + / + K - / - / / - / - + + /
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Statistical hadron gas model: s free F. Becattini, M. Gazdzicki, A. Keränen, J. Manninen, R. Stock PRC 69 (2004), Particle Yields Energy Dependence K + / + K - / - / / - / - + + /
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr s-quark carriers: K -, K 0 (1) (incl. 0 ) 0,-, - (2) ± (3) s-quark carriers: K +, K 0 (1) (incl. 0 ) 0,+, + (2) ± (3) Energy dependence of strangeness production changes at 30 AGeV Particle Yields Comparison s- and s-Carriers (1) K 0 K + , K 0 K - by isospin symmetry (2) Taken from hadron gas fit by F. Becattini et al., if not measured. (3) Empirical factor ( + ) / = 1.6 assumed.
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields (Anti-)Strangeness to Pion Ratio Maximum in strangeness/pion ratio Same for s and s quarks Difficult to model Solid line: Statistical hadron gas model with s = 1 K. Redlich, priv. comm. Predicted as signal for the onset of deconfinement M. Gazdzicki and M.I. Gorenstein, Acta Phys. Polon. B30 (1999), 2705
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra 20 AGeV30 AGeV Central (7%) Pb+Pb NA49 Schnedermann, Sollfrank, and Heinz, Phys. Rev. C46 Radial flow fit (“Blast Wave”) Here: t independent of r
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Data: E895: nucl-ex/ NA49: Phys. Rev. C66 (2002) , nucl-ex/ PHENIX: Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) , nucl-ex/ -- K - p Model: U. Wiedemann and U. Heinz, Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 3265 B. Tomasik, nucl-th/
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Energy Dependence of Fit Parameter Fit to -, K - and p Box-shaped source profile and linear velocity profile Fit range 0.1 < m t -m 0 < 0.8 GeV Energy dependence of T f seems to change around 30 AGeV Thermal and chemical freeze-out different? Single freeze-out model? Continous increase of T T ch
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Phase Diagram (III): Thermal Freeze-Out Thermal freeze-out seems to be at lower temperature than chemical freeze-out from top AGS energies on Strongly model dependent ! Single freeze-out models ?
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Inverse Slope Parameters of Kaons Step in energy dependence p+p compilation from: M. Kliemant, B. Lungwitz, and M. Gazdzicki, PRC 69 (2004) Seems to be absent in p+p How about other particle types?
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Energy Dependence of m t -m 0 Energy dependence of transverse activity seems to change around 30 AGeV. General feature for pion, kaons and protons negatively charged
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Inverse Slope Parameters of Kaons Feature cannot be described by transport models
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Inverse Slope Parameters of Kaons Hydro calculation Y. Hama et al. Braz. J. Phys. 34 (2004), 322, hep-ph/ Assuming 1st order phase transition Initial conditions from NeXus Change of EOS seen?
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Elliptic Flow Energy Dependence Mid-rapidity data, p t integrated Initial spatial anisotropy different pressure gradients momentum anisotropy v 2
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Elliptic Flow Energy Dependence + Transport Model 30 AGeV Data show saturation of scaled v 2 M. Bleicher, SQM04 Points to an initial QGP pressure from 30 AGeV on !
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Fluctuations The Critical Point Endpoint of the first order phase transition line crossover on left side Position quite uncertain But recent lattice calculations by Fodor and Katz predicts position at B = 360 MeV using physical quark masses It might be accessible in the SPS energy range Observables: Event-by-event fluctuations
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr GeV preliminary Fluctuations Particle Ratios preliminary 160 GeV Compare to mixed event reference Resolution Finite number statistics Extraction of dynamical fluctuations 2 dynamic = 2 data - 2 mix = RMS/Mean * 100 [%] Event-by-event fluctuations of e.g. K/ NA49
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Fluctuations Energy Dependence of K/ Fluctuations preliminary Clear energy dependence of K/ fluctuations observed Decrease with energy Fluctuation from UrQMD independent of energy Non-zero value due to energy and strangeness conservation Data wider than mixed events reference Promising, but no clear evidence for critical point yet
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Fluctuations Energy Dependence of p/ Fluctuations Clear energy dependence of p/ fluctuations observed Increase with energy preliminary Similar trend seen in UrQMD Resonance contribution changes with beam energy Data narrower than reference Can be caused by resonances
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Summary Systematic study of energy dependence (still ongoing) –Rapidity and transverse mass spectra –Particle Yields –Fluctuations A variety of interesting features have been revealed: –Mass dependence of rapidity widths, seemingly independent of beam energy at SPS –Clear change of the energy dependence of m t -spectra at 30 AGeV Evidence for a change of EOS? –Maximum in the strangeness to pion ratio at 30 AGeV Evidence for deconfinement? Outlook: Search for critical point –No clear evidence yet (K/ fluctuations) dedicated search with future projects (SPS, FAIR)
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr The End
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields Energy Dependence Central Pb+Pb/Au+Au Mid-rapidity ratios
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Blast Wave Model Basic blast wave model: Common freeze-out of all particle types Boost invariant longitudinal expansion Transverse expansion is modelled by a velocity profile “Standard” version: Schnedermann, Sollfrank, and Heinz, Phys. Rev. C46 Extended version: Resonance contribution included Baryonic resonances introduce dependence on B Chemical freeze-out: T ch and B taken from freeze-out curve Thermal freeze-out: System cools down, therefore assume: Conservation of entropy Conservation of effective particle numbers U. Wiedemann and U. Heinz, Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 3265 B. Tomasik, nucl-th/
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Distributions Landau Scenario in p+p Prediction: dN/dy is Gaussian of a width = 2L given by: (simplified model) L. D. Landau, Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 17 (1953) 52 P. Carruthers and M. Duong-Van, Phys. Ref. D8 (1973) 859 Pion production ~ Entropy Isentropic expansion Description of the pion gas as a 3D relativistic fluid
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Kaons Single Gaussian works reasonably well for K - Does not really work for K + at lower SPS energies Use RMS
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Particle Yields Energy Dependence K + / + K - / - / / - / - + + /
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra The Omega Evidence for early freeze-out of the Omega from blast wave fits? Blast Wave Model Velocity Profile T f (MeV) t Aconstant1250.5from fits shown before (*) M.I. Gorenstein, K. A. Bugaev and M. Gazdzicki, PRL. 88 (2002), Fit to K, p, , 0.590linearB1 Fit to J/ and ’ (*)0.2170linearB2 NA49 publication: C. Alt et al., nucl-ex/
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Rapidty Shift y yPyP yTyT y0y0 yy yy y0y0 yPyP yTyT yy yy y’ P y’ T How does the rapidity shift y evolve with beam energy? Determines the energy available in the produced fireball Baryon number distributions at lower energies:higher energies:
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Energy Dependence of y BRAHMS, I.G. Bearden et al. PRL 93 (2004), Seems to increase linearly at AGS and SPS: y /y beam 0.27 Rapidity shift: But: Weaker increase to RHIC energies! Energy loss E : RHIC ( s NN = 200 GeV): E/Nucleon = 73 ± 6 GeV
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Rapidity Spectra Energy Dependence of Net-Protons BRAHMS, I.G. Bearden et al. PRL 93 (2004), The shape of the distributions changes dramatically with energy AGS: baryonic system RHIC: mesonic system Large implications in the hadronic sector
Christoph Blume Bergen Workshop, Mar.30-Apr Transverse Mass Spectra Inverse Slope Parameters of Kaons Model comparisons M. Bleicher, SQM04 Additional resonances? UrQMD 2.1 Initial QGP pressure?